Boosting transparency of forest data

FAO participates with Purdue University in a series of global webinars to share stories and empower diverse communities


Converse and collaborate with guest speakers from FAO, Purdue University, Science-i, and SilvaCarbon by joining the webinar, Embracing inclusiveness: key for forests and climate action, part of the Science-i Global Webinar (Globinar) Series 2022: Empower the Under-Represented in Forest Science.

Date: Tuesday, 25 October 2022 

Time: 16.00–17.30 (GMT +2)

Register now


Share stories and perspectives on integrating under-represented communities in forest science, especially when addressing climate action.

About this webinar: 

While many scientific communities around the world are making efforts to solve issues related to diversity, equity and inclusion in their organizations, forest science continues to lack sufficient workforce diversity. To address this disparity, Jingjing Liang – Associate Professor at Purdue University – founded Science-iin 2016 as an international research hub hyper-converged with Earth observation data, global expertise, and advanced cyberinfrastructure to accelerate science by empowering under-represented communities in global research and knowledge co-production.

Every year, Science-i organizes a webinar series to facilitate discussions about the current climate of forest science, including recent issues, new developments, and existing networks across organizations and governments. The 2022 series – Empower the Under-Represented in Forest Science – features biweekly 1.5 hour webinars encouraging participants to engage in dialogue and co-develop a white paper with guest speakers from Amazon Web Services (AWS), FAO, the National Indian Carbon Coalition (NICC), Science Magazine, and SilvaCarbon.

On Tuesday, 25 October 2022, Science-i will host Embracing inclusiveness: key for forests and climate action – part of the 2022 series – showcasing guest speakers from FAO, Purdue University, Science-i, and SilvaCarbon. Participants will have an opportunity to share stories and perspectives on involving under-represented communities in forest science, especially when addressing climate action, that could be included on the white paper.

Agenda and speakers:  

Moderator: Javier G.P. Gamarra, International Consultant in Forestry Statistics, FAO

Welcoming remarks: Jingjing Liang, Founder and Chief Security Officer, Science-i

Opening remarks

Roundtable discussion on forest monitoring and climate action.: Rocío Cóndor, Forestry Officer, FAO; Maricarmen Ruiz, REDD+ Expert, FAO; and Marcela Olguin, Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Technical Expert, SilvaCarbon

Q&A session

Closing Remarks: Rocío Cóndor, Forestry Officer, FAO

To sign up for the event, go to the Science-i Global Webinar Series 2022 website.