Boosting transparency of forest data

GFOI and FAO knowledge exchange on forests and climate transparency


The GFOI Plenary 2023 took place from 9 to 11 May 2023 at the Headquarters of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in Rome and online. It brought together the global community of practitioners who support tropical countries working in forest monitoring and the implementation of the measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The Plenary focused on the overarching theme of the role offorest information in addressing climate change with the following sub-topics: REDD+, Nationally Determined Contributions, Restoration and Blue Carbon. 

The Global Forest Observation Initiative (GFOI) Secretariat, in collaboration with the FAO Forestry Division (NFO), has organized the plenary sessionEnhanced Transparency Framework”. The session discussed the role of forest information in supporting the implementation of the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) under the Paris Agreement. The objectives of the session included: 

  • Highlight the importance of transparency and its role in increasing climate ambition overtime  

  • Showcase how countries are moving forward with the implementation of the ETF under the Paris Agreement 

  • Promote the importance of forest data in supporting the ETF and increased country ambition in their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) under the Paris Agreement. 

Results and the way forward from the FAO/GEF Building Global Capacity to Increase Transparency in the Forest Sector (CBIT-Forest)project, funded by the Capacity Building Initiative for Transparency (CBIT) trust fund of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) have been shared. Representatives from Asia, Africa and in the Latin American regionsshared their experiences in working towards data transparency. 

Watch these informative session to learn about the advances in forest data transparency and how different countries are tackling the challenges of monitoring and managing their forests under the Paris Agreement. 


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