Boosting transparency of forest data

New project supported by FAO and GEF will strengthen Cuba's technical capacities to report to the Paris Agreement


Strengthening the institutional and technical capacities of Cuba in the sectors of agriculture, forestry and other land uses to improve transparency under the Paris Agreement, is the purpose of a new project in Cuba, financed by the Global Fund for the Environment (GEF), in association with the Ministry of Agriculture of Cuba (MINAG) and FAO.

Launched at a start-up workshop held this Tuesday and Wednesday in Havana, CBIT plans to implement a program for the creation and strengthening of technical capacities, which will provide important tools and specialized training to Cuban institutions responsible for this issue, to respond to transparency requirements. of the Paris Agreement.

"The results of this project will have a fundamental impact on the agricultural sector and will allow the Cuban government to more effectively plan adaptation and mitigation measures in its development strategies," said Marcelo Resende, FAO Representative in Cuba, who highlighted the Cuban state's commitment to international efforts to confront climate change and to the United Nations Convention on Climate Change and the Paris Agreement.

With a duration of 3 years, the project will improve knowledge and skills to communicate the impacts of climate change, emissions, removals and mitigation actions, in accordance with the requirements established in that international instrument.

Likewise, it will be the starting point for a paradigm shift on the island in terms of transparency, by benefiting the monitoring and planning systems of agricultural sector activities and addressing the crucial factors that affect anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. for the sustainable development of the country.

As part of the project, the introduction of a sectoral knowledge management system for the presentation of Cuba reports is foreseen, which will provide content and resources in an easily accessible digital platform, centralize relevant methodologies regarding the generation and processing of data and will provide long-term sustainability.

CBIT is in line with national priorities and policies related to sustainable development and will contribute to the implementation of the State Plan to face Tarea Vida climate change in the Cuban agricultural system, as well as the Food Sovereignty and Nutrition Education Plan.

The Paris Agreement, adopted at the 21st Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, entered into force on November 4, 2016. Cuba has ratified the main international instruments in force in this area, as part of its commitment to the international community.

The two-day workshop was attended by CITMA professionals represented through the Institute of Meteorology and Cuba Energía, as well as the Ministry of Agriculture, the Agroforestry Research Institute and the Pasture and Forage Research Institute.

This post was originally featured on FAO News: