From Measurement, Reporting and Verification to the Reinforced Transparency Framework
The webinar "How to prepare for the transition from MRV framework to the ETF" took place on 9 June 2021 as part of the massive open online course (MOOC) on ‘Forests and transparency under the Paris Agreement’.
The webinar objectives were to:
- provide guidance on the main issues related to the transition from Measurement, Reporting, and Verification framework to the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF);
- present the process and key provisions related with the ETF; • clarify why legal and institutional arrangements are fundamental for the establishment of robust and sustainable National Forest Monitoring Systems (NFMS);
- share relevant country experience and lessons learned on institutionalization of forest data and enhancement of NFMS; and
- discuss with key international experts, and clarify topics covered in the previous modules of the MOOC.