Support to Rural Enterpreneurship, Investment and Trade in Papua New Guinea (EU-STREIT PNG)

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Strategic Collaboration for Women’s Empowerment in the Sepik Region: The EU-STREIT PNG Programme and Provincial Government Engagement

The EU-STREIT PNG Programme, in strategic partnership with the East Sepik Provincial Government and Administration, has showcased the critical role of women in sustainable development and economic resilience, underlining a shared dedication to gender equality and women's empowerment as vital for the region's socio-economic well-being.

IWD 2024

Sepik women attending IWD 2024 in the Wewak.



Wewak, Papua New Guinea – Under the theme "Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress," the EU-STREIT PNG Programme, in collaboration with the East Sepik Provincial Government, local administrative bodies, non-governmental organizations, the Chamber of Commerce, and networks of women’s micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) as well as farmer groups, led a series of initiatives marking a community-wide movement towards gender equality and the empowerment of women as key drivers of sustainable development. These initiatives, in alignment with International Women’s Day 2024, exemplify a high-level collaborative approach to fostering an inclusive environment where prosperity is attainable for all members of society.

In his opening remarks, Mr. James Baloiloi, representing the East Sepik Provincial Administration, appreciated the efforts of women in general and the EU-STREIT PNG for ensuring that the contributions of women are given their deserved space in the implementation of the programme.

 Mr. Ali Said Yesuf, the Programme Coordinator for the EU-STREIT PNG Programme, reflects on this initiative: "The bedrock of societal advancement is the empowerment of women. They are the harbinger of transformation, innovation pioneers, and the lifeline of community vitality. In our community of East Sepik, despite their potential, women face numerous obstacles that hinder their full economic, social, and political participation. We are committed to creating an ecosystem where women are not just participants but leaders and innovators."

This partnership reflects the dedication of the East Sepik Provincial Government and Administration and the EU-STREIT PNG Programme to advancing women’s roles in society. It highlights the commitment of local governance to not only achieve gender equality but also to strengthen local and international collaborations for the sustainable advancement of the region.

A significant element of the IWD celebration was the collaborative roundtable discussion that explored multifaceted strategies to enhance the societal and economic standing of women within the community. This dialogue convened a broad spectrum of stakeholders, including provincial government officials, civil society representatives, and gender equality advocates. The discussions centered on addressing barriers while capitalizing on opportunities for women, with a focus on financial inclusion, economic empowerment, and leadership in key economic sectors such as agriculture and fisheries and the opportunities presented by the EU-STREIT PNG Programme.

"Our interventions in the cocoa, vanilla, fisheries, and aquaculture sectors are designed with a gender-sensitive lens, ensuring that women in these communities have access to the resources, knowledge, and networks necessary to thrive," added Mr. Yesuf, highlighting the EU-STREIT PNG Programme's commitment to fostering women's leadership and innovation.

Personal testimonials from beneficiaries of the EU-STREIT PNG Programme were shared, illustrating tangible outcomes of targeted initiatives to elevate women’s economic and social status. These narratives highlighted the transformative impact of collective action and served as a source of inspiration for ongoing and future efforts aimed at effecting transformational change.

The observance of International Women’s Day on March 8th was marked by a series of events, including a solidarity march and engagements at the Sir Michael Somare Stadium, showcasing the Provincial Government's and community's firm commitment to gender equality. These activities, drawing widespread participation across various sectors of society, reinforced the collective endorsement of women’s empowerment in East Sepik, reflecting a unified front towards achieving gender parity.

In reflection, the enhanced commitment to promoting women’s economic and social rights is evident. Led by the East Sepik Provincial Government and the EU-STREIT PNG Programme, these initiatives have transcended mere celebratory activities to embody significant advancements towards gender equality and the empowerment of women in Papua New Guinea. This collaborative effort symbolizes a commitment to cooperation, resilience, and hope, establishing a paradigm for future endeavors aimed at creating a more inclusive, equitable, and prosperous society.

About the EU-STREIT PNG Programme

Implemented as a United Nations Joint Programme, with the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) as the lead agency, the EU-STREIT PNG represents the European Union's largest grant-funded initiative in Papua New Guinea. The Programme is designed to catalyze sustainable and inclusive economic development in rural areas of Sepiks, enhancing economic returns and opportunities within the cocoa, vanilla, and fisheries value chains. Furthermore, it seeks to improve the efficiency of value chain enablers, including access to information and communication technology (ICT) and digital financial services, while supporting the development of sustainable, climate-resilient transport infrastructure and renewable energy solutions. Benefiting the provinces of East Sepik and West Sepik, the Programme epitomizes an integrated approach to rural development, underscored by high-level collaboration and strategic partnerships.


Amir Khaleghiyan International Reporting and Communication Officer +675 7410 2860 [email protected]