Support to Rural Enterpreneurship, Investment and Trade in Papua New Guinea (EU-STREIT PNG)

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FAO under STREIT PNG Programme empowers Women's business group with new FFT fish dryer

The FAO through the EU-funded UN Joint STREIT PNG Programme continues to provide technical support to Women's Business Groups throughout the Sepik region of Papua New Guinea, especially in the fisheries value chain. Here we feature Tina Savinio and Norma Wambai of the Kandagapma Women's Business Group in Angoram, East Sepik province who are spearheading the FAO-Thiaroye Processing Technique (FTT) fish dryer with their group members in Angoram. The FTT is a process used widely across the world introduced by FAO with the aid of a uniquely designed dryer/smoker for fish. This support is complemented by FAO’s work in empowering women's business groups operating the FTT. It involves training in producing high-quality, safe smoked fish using FTT, connecting with markets, and managing and growing their businesses effectively.
