Unlocking the potential
of sustainable fisheries and aquaculture
in Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific



Toubacouta, Senegal – 20 June 2024 – In the middle of the Néma Bah oyster farm, Gnima Diouf was busy with the latest adjustments. Together with her colleagues, this young lady, an oyster farmer and Secretary General of the ‘Yoni Diofor’ Economic Interest Group (EIG), was preparing for the visit of a European delegation organized by Belgium, which is presiding the Council of the European Union from January to June...


20 October 2023, Rome - Oyster farming can help preserve mangroves, said Khadim Tine at FAO’s Science and Innovation Forum debate on addressing climate challenges. An interview with this oyster farmer from Senegal, who is actively involved in efforts by the global fish value chain development program FISH4ACP to make Senegal’s oyster more productive and sustainable.

What was your message to the Science and Innovation Forum?


2 October 2023, Yaoundé – Efforts to keep shrimp catches in Cameroon at current levels while strengthening the shrimp fishery were in the spotlight today at the handover of a report by the global fish value chain development program FISH4ACP that is helping the country to make its shrimp sector stronger and to lessen its impact on the environment.   

“Shrimp is our main seafood export product. It brings economic revenues...


2 June 2023, Somone-Thiès - On the Somone lagoon, Ousmane Fall, a 42-year-old fishmonger, and his team are busy cleaning bags containing oyster spat intended for cultivation. Ousmane was initially not interested in oyster farming, but now he fully dedicates himself to it.  

He was convinced by his best friend and current collaborator, Khadim Tine, the president of their farm "La Cabane Penchée. When they embarked on this adventure in 2018,...


21 March 2023, Dar es Salaam - A key fisheries and aquaculture development programme that has highlighted the potential for the development and sustainability of small-scale fisheries in the United Republic of Tanzania is bringing together Lake Tanganyika countries to consider an action plan for the lake’s first stock assessment in decades.   

FAO’s FISH4ACP is an initiative led by the Organization of African, Caribbean and Pacific States, funded by...


A key fisheries and aquaculture development programme implemented by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has highlighted significant potential to boost these sectors in Côte d’Ivoire, Senegal, Tanzania, Guyana and the Marshall Islands, making them more self-sufficient, creating jobs and preserving biological stock levels.


10 February 2023, Dakar - She almost goes unnoticed among the women who have come to visit her from Senegal’s southern provinces of Casamance and Sine-Saloum to share experiences and best practices in oyster picking and farming. 

Yet Seynabou Diatta is one of the pillars of the local oyster industry. She has worked in oyster farming for 40 years and coordinates a group of about 60 women oyster farmers.  

The visit took...


20 June 2022, Dakar –  Representatives from the oyster sector in Senegal endorsed an upgrading strategy for the oyster value chain that lays down a ten-year plan towards improved local production, better jobs for women producers and less pressure on the mangroves where oysters occur. 

“Senegal has the natural resources and a strong local demand to support a flourishing oyster sector,” said Doudou Gueye Faye, representative of the Ministry of Fisheries...


23 February 2020, Dakar – Increased local production, better jobs for women producers and less pressure on the environment are among the main objectives set by a development plan for Senegal’s oyster sector, agreed upon by stakeholders and experts in Senegal last week. The agreement provides a clear agenda for FISH4ACP, working to strengthen the sector and safeguard the environment.   

 “Senegal has the natural resources and demand for oysters on the...


13 October 2021, Dakar - An analysis of the oyster sector in Senegal shows the possibilities for women to increase their incomes and put better food on the table at home. Some fifty stakeholders reviewed the findings of the study and discussed how FISH4ACP can strengthen the sector and safeguard the environment. 

 “Oysters are an important source of income and of healthy food for women in the south of our country,”...

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