Unlocking the potential
of sustainable fisheries and aquaculture
in Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific



21 March 2023, Dar es Salaam - A key fisheries and aquaculture development programme that has highlighted the potential for the development and sustainability of small-scale fisheries in the United Republic of Tanzania is bringing together Lake Tanganyika countries to consider an action plan for the lake’s first stock assessment in decades.   

FAO’s FISH4ACP is an initiative led by the Organization of African, Caribbean and Pacific States, funded by...


A key fisheries and aquaculture development programme implemented by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has highlighted significant potential to boost these sectors in Côte d’Ivoire, Senegal, Tanzania, Guyana and the Marshall Islands, making them more self-sufficient, creating jobs and preserving biological stock levels.


3 March 2023, La Parfaite Harmony - “I grew up in the countryside. I was a rice farmer. Then I moved to mining and now I am in the fishing industry,” says Renita Joseph, a fish processor from La Parfaite Harmony on the west bank of the Demerara River, close to Guyana’s capital Georgetown.  

“In the morning, I take my kids to school and then I come to the business,” she...


25 May 2022, Georgetown – Improved fishing practices, better compliance with regulations and higher quality and safety of the end product – these are the core elements of a 10-year plan endorsed today by key partners of Guyana’s seabob sector. The plan aims to strengthen the country as a leading exporter of Atlantic seabob shrimp, while ensuring long-term stability of stocks and bringing more prosperity to the people.

The development results...


24 November 2021, Georgetown – Key partners of the seabob sector in Guyana agreed on a roadmap for a more productive and sustainable utilization of Atlantic seabob, Guyana’s main seafood export product. Spearheaded by the global value chain initiative FISH4ACP, development will focus on stronger artisanal fishing and reduced bycatch, better infrastructure and product value. 

 “Atlantic seabob is key to our economy. It provides a lot of jobs and offers healthy...


18 August 2021  Representatives from the private and public sectors, such as artisanal fishers and industrial processors, service providers, conservation NGOs and Government officials, came together in an online validation workshop to provide feedback on Guyana’s Atlantic seabob value chain analysis, and identify ways to make this important shrimp fishery more sustainable. 

Guyana is the world’s largest producer of Atlantic seabob with an annual harvest of 20 000 tonnes valued at an...


18 June 2021, Santo Domingo – Launched today in the Dominican Republic, FISH4ACP is a global push to make fisheries and aquaculture value chains more sustainable. It will focus on improving mahi-mahi fishing, aiming to ensure that economic growth goes hand in hand with environmental sustainability and social inclusiveness.

“Mahi-mahi provides many of our fishermen with an income and is a healthy source of food with a high growth potential,” said...


1 December 2020, Rome - Hundreds of people are being mobilized as FISH4ACP prepares a massive assessment of all the value chains targeted by this ambitious initiative aimed at improving fisheries and aquaculture in Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific. Right from the start, partnership and capacity building prove to be key to FISH4ACP's success.

The first assessment kicked off in mid-November in Guyana. Guyana is the world's largest producer of...