Forest and Landscape Restoration Asia

Data and Tools

A gateway to useful FLR knowledge tools and platforms, such as geospatial platforms and various databases, with links to guidelines and examples. 

Type of data/tool

Financial estimations
Rural invest

Purpose: Make investment decisions (prepare and evaluate small and medium size projects).

Short Guidelines; Tutorials; Manuals:

  1. Intro Course: RuralInvest – An introduction

Aggregated data
Global Forest Resources Assessment

Purpose: Collect data on forest products and area.

Short Guidelines; Tutorials; Manuals:

  1. Guidance on using the Framework for Ecosystem Restoration Monitoring (FERM) Platform

Geospatial planning
FERM Geospatial Platform

Purpose: Find geospatial data on biophysical and socio-economic aspects.

Short Guidelines; Tutorials; Manuals:

  1. Guidance on using the Framework for Ecosystem Restoration Monitoring (FERM) Platform

Aggregated data
GAEZ Data Portal

Purpose: Countries may contain links for either a National Agro-ecological Zoning Project or a Country Profile document.

Short Guidelines; Tutorials; Manuals:

  1. GAEZv4 User Guide

Aggregated data

Purpose: Collect data on multiple forest indicators (eg. forestry production, land, demographics, emissions, etc.)

Short Guidelines; Tutorials; Manuals:

  1. FLR QuickGuidance: FAOSTAT
  2. Quickly download FLR related aggregated data here

Policy information

Purpose: Collect and disseminate information on policy information through a freely accessible web-based tool.

Short Guidelines; Tutorials; Manuals:

  1. FAPDA User Guide

GHG accounting

Purpose: To estimate carbon in projects and programmes.

Short Guidelines; Tutorials; Manuals:

  2. EX-ACT Quick Guidance

Geospatial planning
HiH Initiative Geospatial Platform

Purpose: Find geospatial data on biophysical and socio-economic aspects.

Short Guidelines; Tutorials; Manuals:

1. Quick Start Guide

Project information
IATI tools

Purpose: Data on development and humanitarian spending and projects, including spending plans of donors to support governments and organizatons to better plan and coordinate resources.

Short Guidelines; Tutorials; Manuals:

1. Tool Guide - International Aid Transparency Initiative

FAO Microdata Catalogue

Purpose: Provides an inventory of datasets collected through farm and household surveys which contain information related to agriculture, forests, food security, and nutrition.

Short Guidelines; Tutorials; Manuals:


Geospatial planning
Atlas of Forest Landscape Restoration Opportunities

Purpose: Maps in this atlas represent global approximation of the extent and location of the opportunities for forest landscape restoration

Short Guidelines; Tutorials; Manuals:

  1. Introduction

Global Forest Watch

Purpose: Global Forest Watch (GFW) is an online platform that provides data and tools for monitoring forests. By harnessing cutting-edge technology, GFW allows anyone to access near real-time information about where and how forests are changing around the world.

Short Guidelines; Tutorials; Manuals:

1. Multiple Guides to use GFW

Global Restoration Monitor

Purpose: Showcase global land restoration projects, spanning from large multi-country programs to local grassroots initiatives

Short Guidelines; Tutorials; Manuals:

1. Introduction

Geospatial planning
Climate Smart Restoration Tool

Purpose: Provide information on seed collection and transfer of native plants.

Short Guidelines; Tutorials; Manuals:

1. CSRT User Guide

Project information

Purpose: Share, monitor, search for and analyze FLR projects.

Short Guidelines; Tutorials; Manuals:

1. How it works

Project information

Purpose: To support nature-based carbon capture by creating a platform to bring together all parties involved in reforestation.

Short Guidelines; Tutorials; Manuals:

1. Introduction

Geospatial planning
Forest Landscape Integrity Index Map

Purpose: Integrates data on observed and inferred forest pressures and lost forest connectivity.

Short Guidelines; Tutorials; Manuals:

Geospatial planning
Google Earth Engine

Purpose: To detect changes, map trends, and quantify differences on the Earth's surface.

Short Guidelines; Tutorials; Manuals:

  1. Google Earth Engine 101 Part 1  
  2. Get Started with Earth Engine

GHG accounting

Purpose: A Comprehensive Greenhouse Gas Accounting Tool to Support Annual Environmental Impact Assessment Over a 30-Year Time Series in the Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use Sector.

Short Guidelines; Tutorials; Manuals:

  1. Technical guidance for the Nationally Determined Contribution Expert Tool (NEXT)

Financial estimations

Purpose: Optimization and tradeoff analysis.

Short Guidelines; Tutorials; Manuals: 

  1. Tutorial: Optimizing Restoration Activities for Ecosystem Services
  2. User Guide

JICA-JAXA Forest Early Warning System

Purpose: Monitors the Tropical forest and provides an early warning system.

Short Guidelines; Tutorials; Manuals:

Geospatial planning
WePlan - Forests

Purpose: WePlan - Forests is a decision support platform for tropical and subtropical forest ecosystem restoration planning that aims to maximise the climate change mitigation, biodiversity conservation and poverty alleviation benefits arising from forest restoration.

Short Guidelines; Tutorials; Manuals:

  1. WePlan - Forests Module

Space Intelligence

Purpose (link to FLR): Web-based platform for assessing carbon stocks and change in carbon over time.

Short Guidelines; Tutorials; Manuals:

Project-investor matchmaking

Purpose (link to FLR): Web-based platform that delivers direct estimates of forest carbon stock and change from space.

Short Guidelines; Tutorials; Manuals:

Chloris Geospatial

Purpose (link to FLR): Web-based platform that delivers direct estimates of forest carbon stock and change from space.

Short Guidelines; Tutorials; Manuals:

  1. Live Demo of the Chloris Platform

Carbon market
Verra Methodolgies

Purpose (link to FLR): A list of methodologies or quantifying project benefits are a key component of all Verra standard programs

Short Guidelines; Tutorials; Manuals:

Project information
GEF Projects Database

Purpose: A database of GEF projects, including those related to FLR.

Short Guidelines; Tutorials; Manuals:

Aggregated data
Data in Emergencies (DIEM) - Monitoring

Purpose: Regularly updated collection of data on shocks and livelihoods in various countries. Could be useful for project design and identifying gaps in assistance.

Short Guidelines; Tutorials; Manuals:

  1. Live demo of the DIEM Hub

Geospatial planning

Purpose: Data can be created and analyzed for any place on Earth (eg. land use maps, analyze time series, run change detection). Within SEPAL there is an application called se.plan which can be used for restoration planning and decisions.

Short Guidelines; Tutorials; Manuals:

  1. Cookbook
  2. Se.plan Guide

Project-investor matchmaking
Xilva: Connecting capital to forests, faster

Purpose: Xilva uses digital solutions to connect capital to forest projects, faster!

Short Guidelines; Tutorials; Manuals:

Project-investor matchmaking

Purpose: map portal to discover, connect to, and communicate impactful nature-based projects.

Short Guidelines; Tutorials; Manuals:

Project information
WOCAT SLM Database

Purpose: Provides access to the documentation of field-tested sustainable land management (SLM) practices from different places in the world and offers practitioners the opportunity to share their own SLM practices. 

Short Guidelines; Tutorials; Manuals:


Purpose: Based on the publication The Road to Restoration, this tool aims to help stakeholders develop a monitoring system tailored to their needs by identifying indicators and metrics to monitor progress toward their set goals.

Short Guidelines; Tutorials; Manuals:

Earth Map

Purpose: Visualize, process and analyze satellite imagery and global datasets on climate, vegetation, fires, biodiversity, geo-social and other topics.

Short Guidelines; Tutorials; Manuals: 

  1. Tutorials / Guided use cases


Purpose: Naturebase is a tool for identifying nature climate solutions (NCS). It contains social, political, and economic information to help decision makers  plan and implement the most effective and beneficial greenhouse gas reduction interventions.

Short Guidelines; Tutorials; Manuals:

Data collection
Open Foris Arena

Purpose: A platform for storing and processing data collected in field inventories or questionnaires. Users can set up surveys directly in Arena, which offers options for multilingual data entry forms, multi-cycle data management, and the use of multiple tools that can assist with data validation and reporting.

Short Guidelines; Tutorials; Manuals:

  1. User Manual

GHG accounting

Purpose: Compute future ecosystem carbon for a simulated land-use scenario.

Short Guidelines; Tutorials; Manuals: 

  1. CarboScen: a tool to estimate carbon implications of land-use scenarios



Purpose: Near-real time monitoring system for natural vegetation conversion at pan-tropical scale.

Short Guidelines; Tutorials; Manuals:

  1. User Manual. Training Manual Terra-i


Purpose: Radar-based forest disturbance alert system, providing information every two weeks on where and when disturbances in forests occur anywhere in the world, in almost any weather condition.

Short Guidelines; Tutorials; Manuals:

    Project information
    Shiny RIMA (Resilience Index Measurement and Analysis)

    Purpose: Shiny RIMA is a toolkit designed to simplify the estimation of household resilience capacity, which is evolved from the original tool for estimating household resilience. 

    Short Guidelines; Tutorials; Manuals:

    1. Understanding RIMA – An introduction to the Resilience Index Measurement and Analysis

    Project information
    Restoration Explorer

    Purpose: Platform that helps to build a resilient restoration enterprise by providing with a customized business model

    Short Guidelines; Tutorials; Manuals: Introduction to Restoration Explorer