Forest and landscape restoration is a vital task – and an enormous undertaking. Any organization or individual can contribute to the restoration of their local ecosystems. You can:
- Explore our data and tools to find relevant knowledge for a project being undertaken in your community.
- Encourage your company to consider helping finance an FLR project in your region.
- Voice your support of FLR by writing a letter to your local decision-makers.
- Post a link to this Knowledge Hub on social media.
Every action is a step towards a healthier and more resilient future. Engage with us now and see what we can achieve together.
Reach out to the FLR-Asia team!
We can be contacted at
[email protected]
and Cc: Illias Animon, Forestry Officer at
[email protected]

Tell us about tools and innovations
Heard about a useful database or methodology? Built a new mapping tool? Let us know!

Finance projects in Asia and the Pacific
Whether you have a specific project in mind or have a general wish to contribute, we can help make your desire a reality by connecting you with projects in the region.

Share important FLR data
Send methodologies, reports or publications from your FLR projects to potentially get showcased on the website!