Forest and Landscape Restoration Asia and the Pacific


FLR Pro is a network of public sector practitioners actively working on forest and landscape restoration (FLR) in Asia and the Pacific.

Members of FLR Pro strive to improve human wellbeing by strengthening ecosystems through adaptive management and the restoration of degraded and fragmented landscapes.

The network promotes knowledge sharing, collaboration, and cross-learning among FLR practitioners and is intended to amplify ongoing restoration efforts throughout Asia and the Pacific.



FOLAR Pro aligns with Strategic Priority 2 and Action 12 of the Regional Strategy and Action Plan for Forest and Landscape Restoration in Asia-Pacific, a document endorsed by the member countries of the Asia-Pacific Forestry Comission (APFC).

Benefits of joining

  • Connect to and learn from expert practitioners in other countries
  • Access new trainings and events
  • Receive recognition as a FOLAR Pro member
  • Enjoy opportunities to contribute to knowledge products on forest and landscape restoration

Who can join

FLR Pro is open to middle-level to high-level forest and landscape restoration public sector practitioners in Asia with at least two (2) years of practical experience with forest and landscape restoration.


How to join

Members will be selected based on their credentials and the added value they bring to the network.
Applicants should upload their CV (2-3 pages) and a one-page (500 words or less) description explaining their motivation for joining and the value proposition they bring to the network.