Forest and Landscape Restoration Asia

Text Analytics Tool

The Text Analytics Tool provides you with an efficient way to extract data and information from some key publications on FLR in Asia. Phrases containing statistical and analyzed data from the publications can be filtered at multi-level based on theme and sub-theme, and keyword search.

How to use the Text Analytics Tool:


  1. Download the Tool (Excel File) by right clicking the excel file and selecting download in the folder 
  2. There are four main filters: Theme, Sub-theme; Region; and Publication. Use the Excel drop-down filters tom narrow down the search to your interest. (Note: since Sub-theme is a sub-category under Theme, it is recommended to select the Theme/s first.
  3. Use "ctrl F" to search for specific keywords such as country etc.
  4. Always reset the filters before the next search.
The data displayed in the Text Analytics Tool has been collected from publications and does not imply any official endorsement of or responsibility on the part of FAO for the opinions, ideas, data or products presented at these locations, or guarantee the validity of the information provided. The purpose of the tool is to provide users with convenient access to information to support project/programme document development, users have the responsibility of assessing its relevance, accuracy and suitability of application.