Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics

Advancing Microdata Dissemination in the latest GSARS workshop in Benin


Under the umbrella of the Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics (GSARS) Phase II, a critical step forward was taken in the advancement of the national agricultural statistics framework in Cotonou, Benin, from August 28 to September 1, 2023. With the guidance of expert Samba Cisse, the initiative concentrated on strengthening microdata sharing programs, a crucial component in the series of workshops facilitated by the Agricultural Statistics Directorate (DSA) and its partners in the national statistical system.


This recent workshop marked a continuum in the series, specifically focusing on microdata dissemination, emphasizing on in-depth understanding and setup of a microdata dissemination program, with applications to agricultural survey data. The workshop aimed to enhance the participants' understanding of the intricacies involved, including access models, usage conditions, data documentation according to DDI standards, anonymization, and the establishment of an online microdata catalogue system through NADA.


The inaugural session of the workshop was marked by an inspiring address from Alexandre BIAOU, the Director of DSA. In his remarks, he highlighted the collaboration with FAO, especially under the GSARS II program, emphasizing the importance of the training to improve DSA’s data dissemination program.


Throughout the workshop, participants were immersed in deep discussions and practical sessions revolving around data anonymization, risk and utility assessments, and perturbative and non-perturbative methods in data anonymization. The participants were also introduced to data documentation standards through DDI and the NADA platform, which facilitates online cataloguing of microdata. Hands-on sessions were augmented with theoretical knowledge, giving participants a rounded skill set to handle data proficiently.


Towards the end of the workshop, a visit to the DSA facilitated a dialogue on the progress of the FARMECO data processing work and preliminary works on the pilot survey on losses. While the data processing had been delayed due to the annual agricultural survey, assurances were given on the imminent commencement of this vital process.


Furthermore, Samba Cisse had a fruitful interaction with Mr. Bio Yerima Mouhaman from FAO-BJ, who expressed the Agriculture Minister’s appreciation for the capacity-building activities undertaken by the GSARS. There was also an initiative to promote the support activities at the DSA, with a request for collaboration in the dissemination of the same.


Concluding the mission, recommendations were made to extend future training by a day to accommodate the DDI and NADA sessions without compromising the learning pace. It was also suggested to continue holding the training at DSA premises despite minor technical glitches, to avoid delays observed in participants' arrivals during this workshop.


This workshop stands as a testimony to the collaborative spirit fostered by GSARS, paving a pathway for a more robust and transparent data dissemination system in Benin's agricultural sector, promising a brighter future in data-driven policy-making and effective monitoring in the region.