Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics

Enhancing Agricultural Loss Data Collection: Workshop for Survey Agents Concludes in Guinea


From 18-22 September 2023, Guinea embarked on a vital initiative to bolster its agricultural data collection capabilities through a workshop as part of the second phase of the Global Strategy for the Improvement of Agricultural and Rural Statistics (GSARSII). This program is pivotal for improving the nation's capacity to gather comprehensive data on agricultural losses, a key element of an integrated national agricultural statistics system. Under the guidance of trainer Audrier Sanou, the workshop engaged twelve data collection agents—of which 58% were women—in an intensive training aimed at enhancing both their technical skills and their understanding of the nuances involved in agricultural surveys. 

Participants in the workshop benefited from a blended learning approach that combined theoretical instruction with practical application. Throughout the event, enumerators immersed themselves in the methodologies of agricultural surveys, participated in engaging discussions, and developed proficiency with the CAPI (Computer-Assisted Personal Interviewing) system. This comprehensive approach ensured that they were well-prepared to perform their data collection roles with efficiency and accuracy.   

A highlight of the training was the field exercise conducted in Coyah, where participants had the opportunity to apply their newfound skills in a tangible setting. On the 22nd of September, they conducted physical assessments of crop losses in peanut fields, an invaluable practice that helped them transition from theory to practical know-how and prepared them for the challenges of real-world fieldwork. This field exercise was essential for a good implementation of the agricultural losses survey, but also to improve the crop cutting process for yield estimation as part of the annual survey of Guinea. 

The National Agricultural Statistics Agency (ANASA) of Guinea recognized the effectiveness of the workshop and the technical assistance provided by GSARSII since the second semester of 2022. As Guinea looks ahead, it is poised to contribute its insights at the African Commission on Agricultural Statistics (AFCAS) session in December 2023, offering its experiences to enhance the continental discourse on agricultural statistics. 

The collaborative efforts between Guinea and GSARSII are indeed laying the groundwork for a future where informed agricultural statistics drive sustainable development, steering Guinea's agricultural sector toward a trajectory of data-driven growth and productivity. This successful workshop could not have been realized without the steadfast support from the FAO Guinea office and the substantial financial contributions from our donors, the European Union and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, whose support has been crucial to the fruition of this significant endeavor.