Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics

FAO Empowers Togo in Agricultural Statistical Advancement


In a dynamic workshop hosted in Lomé, Togo, from November 15 to 17, 2023, a total of 27 participants, led by facilitator Edgard Yves DIDAVI, came together to dive into Togo's agricultural statistical landscape. This collaborative effort, made possible through the support of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), marks a significant step in strengthening Togo's capabilities in agricultural and rural statistics. 

The primary goal of the workshop was to present and analyze the results of data collection and engage in strategic discussions with the national technical team regarding the ongoing update of Togo's initial Strategic Plan for the Development of Agricultural and Rural Statistics. 

The three-day session started with a detailed presentation of the results of the collected data, shedding light on the current status of Togo's agricultural statistics. The collaborative effort and insightful discussions paved the way for a comprehensive overview. 

The following activities during the workshop focused on updating activities in the strategic plan, ensuring they align with the evolving needs of Togo's agricultural sector. Groups representing different thematic areas worked collaboratively to refine and add activities, resulting in a revised and adopted list that will shape the future of Togo's agricultural statistical initiatives. 

The workshop's success was underlined by the dedication and engagement of the participants, who demonstrated a commitment to transforming Togo's statistical landscape. The facilitator, Edgard Yves DIDAVI, played a pivotal role in guiding the discussions and ensuring a fruitful outcome. 

This achievement would not have been possible without the unwavering support of the FAO Togo office. Special gratitude is extended to our esteemed donors, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the European Union, whose support has been instrumental in driving initiatives that empower nations through enhanced statistical capabilities.