Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics

GSARS Advances Agricultural Statistics in Guinea-Bissau with Comprehensive SPSS Training and AGPROD Survey Analysis


In a significant step toward enhancing agricultural statistics in Guinea-Bissau, the Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics (GSARS) has successfully concluded an extensive training workshop on the use of SPSS for agricultural data analysis. This workshop was held from February 29 to March 5, 2024, marking a pivotal advancement in the country's statistical capabilities. 


Enhanced Training for Quality Data Analysis 

The workshop focused on the second module of SPSS, emphasizing survey data cleaning techniques, and followed an earlier session on descriptive data analysis. Seventeen professionals from the Directorate of Agricultural Statistics, the National Institute of Statistics, and the Agricultural Research Institute attended. The training delved into advanced data editing and imputation (E&I) techniques to enhance data quality, directly applying these methods to data from the AGPROD agricultural production survey. 


AGPROD Survey: A Pilot for Precision 

A pilot survey, employing the AGPROD questionnaire, was conducted among 150 households in the Gabu and Oio regions, encompassing two rounds of data collection. This project provided a practical foundation for the training, allowing participants to apply SPSS techniques to real survey data, thus bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application. 


Comprehensive Data Processing and Restitution 

The workshop concluded with the processing and analysis of the AGPROD survey data. Participants applied SPSS editing techniques learned during the training across various survey sections, addressing data inconsistencies. The thorough analysis led to the generation of significant insights into agricultural practices and production in the two regions of Guinea-Bissau. 


In preparation for the restitution of findings, participants created a number of graphical representations to showcase the AGPROD survey results. These visuals, along with four key Malabo/CAADP indicators calculated during a previous workshop, were presented in a detailed session that highlighted the critical outcomes of the survey and the indicators package. 


Positive Feedback and Forward-Looking Recommendations 

The workshop received high satisfaction rates from attendees for its relevance, content, and balance between theoretical and practical learning. Recommendations from the restitution meeting underscored the urgent need for continuous agricultural surveys and emphasized the importance of securing funding for future data collection initiatives. This feedback illustrates the workshop's success in not only enhancing participants' skills but also in fostering a collaborative dialogue on the future of agricultural statistics in Guinea-Bissau. 


The Global Strategy remains dedicated to supporting Guinea-Bissau in its journey to strengthen agricultural statistical analysis and policy-making capabilities, reaffirming its commitment to improvement.