Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics

GSARS Concludes Successful Training on Agricultural Loss Indicators in Tanzania


 The Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics has successfully concluded a comprehensive training session on agricultural loss indicators in Tanzania. The training, held from May 20 to 24, 2024, aimed to enhance the capacity of local stakeholders in analyzing data on agricultural losses and constructing key agricultural loss indicators, including the Food Loss Index (SDG 12.3.1a). The training also provided an opportunity to reflect on the technical assistance provided so far and to discuss future steps for adopting and scaling up these tools. 


The training was organized in collaboration with Tanzania’s National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), the Office of the Chief Government Statistician Zanzibar (OCGS), and the Ministry of Agriculture. Approximately 12 participants from these institutions, as well as one participant from the Eastern Africa Statistical Training Centre, attended the workshop held at the NBS headquarters in Dar-es-Salaam. 


The NBS has been receiving support on agricultural statistics through the 50x2030 Initiative and the second phase of the Global Strategy (GSARSII). In early 2023, the NBS conducted the Annual Agricultural Sample Survey (AASS 2023), which included a pilot-test of a survey module on agricultural losses. The data collected from this pilot-test was processed and analyzed to compile relevant indicators measuring agricultural losses. 


The five-day hands-on training included refresher sessions on the conceptual background and practical exercises using real farm-level data from the pilot-test. Participants utilized statistical software (STATA and R) to develop and test calculation routines for compiling loss indicators. The final part of the training focused on presenting the results of the technical assistance and discussing how to integrate data collection and analytical tools into Tanzania's national statistical system. 


Franck Cachia, FAO Statistician, led the training, supported by Sharon Mayienga, Economist in the Methodology unit. Key outcomes of the training included: 


- Participants successfully developed calculation procedures to real data, constructing various metrics such as yields, area harvested and % losses for different on-farm operations. 

- Improved proficiency in using statistical software among participants, with shared code and routines. 

- Constructive discussions on general statistical indicator construction procedures, such as outlier detection methods. 



The training was well-received and participants expressed the need for similar support in the future, prior to the full-scale survey planned for 2024. The participants also highlighted the necessity of a more targeted and enhanced enumerator training to ensure accurate data collection on agricultural losses. 



This training workshop would not have been possible without the support of our donors, the European Union and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation as well as the FAO Tanzania office for their invaluable support in making this training possible.