Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics

GSARS Conducts Data Analysis Workshop to Enhance Agricultural and Rural Statistics in Angola


In a significant effort to enhance the availability and quality of agricultural and rural statistics, the Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics (GSARS) successfully conducted a critical training workshop in Luanda, Angola, from February 19 to 28, 2024. 

The workshop, aimed at strengthening the National Statistical Systems (NSS) in adopting quality approaches for data processing and analysis, saw the participation of key representatives from Angola's National Statistics Office (INE), Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MINAGRIF), and Ministry of Fisheries (MINPERMAR). A total of twelve dedicated professionals, including five women, underwent intensive training to harness the power of programming for statistical analysis, emphasizing the improvement of data quality for decision-making in agriculture and rural development. 

"Strengthening our capabilities in data processing and analysis is critical for informed policymaking and the sustainable development of the agricultural sector," said Marcel Vieira, Statistician and GSARS-II Coordinator, who led the training. "By empowering participants with advanced tools and techniques, we're ensuring that Angola is better equipped to tackle the challenges of agricultural statistics and contribute to global efforts towards food security and rural development." 

The workshop covered essential topics such as data editing and imputation, the use of R for statistical analysis, and the application of methodologies to real-world agricultural data. The practical sessions provided participants with hands-on experience, enabling them to apply their new skills to their ongoing work and improve the quality and reliability of agricultural statistics in their respective domains. 

Feedback from participants has been positive. Many noted the relevance of the training to their current roles and expressed a keen interest in applying the knowledge and tools acquired to enhance their work. 

This workshop is part of the broader GSARS effort to promote a quality approach to data processing and analysis across participating countries. With Angola choosing R as its analysis software, this workshop represents a pivotal moment in the country's commitment to adopting innovative technologies and methodologies to advance its statistical capabilities.