Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics

In Benin, the Directorate of Agriculture Statistics releases four thematic analysis in an effort to prompt the evidenced-based agricultural policy debate


With the support of the GSARS II project, the Agriculture Statistics Directorate (DSA) from the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fishery of Benin released on-line four thematic notes using the results from the recent census of agriculture. The release of these thematic analysis is an important step to connect with the users and provide these with salient results from the agricultural census to inform sectoral policy making and monitoring processes.

One note explores the status of women in agriculture in Benin. What is the share of female-headed agricultural households? Are women specializing in specific agriculture production activities? How are women doing when it comes to the use of mechanisation? Are there marked gender differences in terms of land rights or resilience? These are some of the questions analysed in the note entitled Femme et agriculture au Bénin” (DSA, 2023), which was drafted with the support of the GSARS II as part of  a dissemination training workshop on “Enhancing the value of statistics in written-type publication through good presentation techniques”. The activity was the first of a series of three trainings that aim at strengthening the country’s statistical dissemination programs. It was held in Cotonou from 13 to 17 March 2023 and conveyed 13 participants (of which 3 female experts), including 10 staff members from the DSA and 3 staff from INSTAD.

Three other notes finalized in the context of this GSARS collaboration are now available on the DSA website. The analysis inform on the following thematic areas:  

The GSARS will continue to support the DSA and INSTAD in the area of statistical dissemination programs with the next activity coming up in May, namely a training on “Disseminating statistics through interactive data portals in Open Data compliant formats”.

