Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics

Mali delivers a national workshop on Farm Economy and agricultural LOSSES


Under the frame of the Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics (GSARS), Mali organized a workshop from 30th January to 03rd February 2023 in Bamako regarding the modules Modules for Agricultural Household Economics Surveys (FARMECO) and Agricultural Loss Indicators (LOSSES). 

As the annual survey (EAC) has several modules covering farm economics and agricultural loss questions, it was decided to focus efforts on analyzing survey data and building the capacity of the country's staff to construct indicators. The training had the active participation of 14 people, including three women (21% women).

During the first three days, work focused on the calculation of agricultural cost and income indicators applied to data from the annual survey (EAC).

Work on losses was carried out over the next two days. The concepts related to pre-harvest losses, crop losses, and crop processing losses were presented as well as the list of indicators that can be obtained from the EAC data.

The workshop ended with the closing address done by the Director of the Planning and Statistics Unit (CPS), Mr. Balla Keita who once again thanked FAO and requested that this partnership continues in the future.