Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics

Niger debuts on the work on the definition of farm typology


Under the framework of the  Global Strategy to Improve Agriculture and Rural Statistics (GSARS), from the 7th to 10th of March 2023 Niger organized several trainings on farm typology (FT).

The trainings were led by the FAO Statistics Division statistician Mariana Toteva and Mr. Eric Kabore ESS consultant.

The general session was attended by 24 representatives of different institutions of producers and users of agricultural statistics in the country. It was opened by the representatives of the FAO and Ministry of Agriculture (MAG) who stressed the role of agriculture as an essential source of revenue in rural areas to reduce poverty and ensure food security, which determines the importance of having quality agricultural statistics.

The training continued with the general presentation of the FT concepts and definitions. During the discussions the objectives of the national FT were formulated, the different units of agricultural production and their definitions were presented, and the production systems and regional specializations in the specific country context were identified.

The training continued with a 3-day workshop for 9 representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Livestock, National Statistical Institute, and key users on the calculation of the FT classification variables. The training used examples from FT definition with the technical assistance of the GSARS II in Burkina Faso, Ghana and Mali to demonstrate different methods of calculation and the obtained results.