Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics

Successful Conclusion of the SPARS Design Workshop: Technical Support for the Launching Phase in Zimbabwe


In alignment with the second phase of the Global Strategy for Improving Agricultural and Rural Statistics (GSARS II), Zimbabwe, at its request, has been receiving crucial assistance from the FAO in formulating a Strategic Plan on Agricultural and Rural Statistics (SPARS). This vital process encompasses the development of a roadmap, an in-depth assessment of agricultural and rural statistics, and meticulous action planning. The essence of this initiative was encapsulated in a five-day technical mission aimed at bolstering the roadmap development in the initial phase of the SPARS process. The mission’s primary objectives included a comprehensive review of the available information for the country in close collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture and other key national stakeholders.

This review covered previous statistical assessments and national policy documents linked to the agricultural and rural sectors. Additionally, the mission involved discussions with the national coordination team to finalize the list of stakeholders, including data producers, users, and donors, and to introduce the SPARS process to the members of the national coordination team and the Technical Working Group (TWG). One of the key events was the first national stakeholders’ workshop, which aimed to present and endorse the roadmap and discuss the subsequent steps with the national coordination team. 

On October 9, courtesy visits to FAO Representation and Government officials were conducted. Mr Lassina Pare met with Mr. Patrice TALLA, the Subregional Coordinator of the FAO Subregional Office for Southern Africa, and with the Director of the Strategic Plan Business Development of the Ministry of Agriculture. These interactions not only presented an opportunity to communicate the mission objectives but also to advocate for high-level political commitment to the SPARS process and to invite the high authorities of the Ministry to the roadmap validation meeting.

Following this, a technical workshop was facilitated, gathering members of the TWG to train and familiarize them with the SPARS approach. The workshop, facilitated by notable figures such as Mr. Tichaona MAJURU from the Directorate of the Strategic Plan Business Development of the Ministry of Agriculture and Mr. Tendai MUGARA from FAO Zimbabwe, aimed to present the methodological approach of the SPARS design process, emphasizing the Launching, Assessing, and Planning phases. The roadmap, being the main output of the Launching step, was discussed, and a draft version was agreed upon. To introduce the Assessment step, the Country Assessment Questionnaire (CAQ) was presented, which is instrumental in helping countries evaluate their capacity to produce reliable, timely, and quality agricultural statistics.   

The culmination of these efforts was evident in the roadmap presentation and validation workshop held on October 12, in Harare. This significant meeting, which included diverse national stakeholders, was opened by Mr. Mupodyi SIMBARASHE, Deputy Director of the Department of Strategic Plan Business Development within the Ministry of Agriculture. Mr. SIMBARASHE emphasized the importance of developing a strategic plan to enhance the production of reliable and timely agricultural data. The workshop concluded with the endorsement of the roadmap by the participants and a commitment to continue the SPARS process in Zimbabwe.

This mission in Zimbabwe under the auspices of GSARS II and FAO represents a significant step towards enhancing the country's agricultural and rural statistics. The collaborative effort and the roadmap's endorsement highlight a dedicated push towards informed, data-driven policies in the agricultural sector. The ongoing commitment to the SPARS process showcases the progress being made, though the challenge of securing the necessary funding remains a pivotal point for future development.