Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics

Technical session on the capacity assessment of the agricultural statistics system in Madagascar


As part of the implementation of the second phase of the Global Strategy for Improving Agricultural and Rural Statistics (GSARS II), Madagascar and FAO conducted a mission with the aim of providing technical support to the country in assessing its capacity to produce agricultural and rural statistics, a preliminary step to the definition of an action plan for the development of agricultural statistics.

The session, held from 24th to 26th January 2023, was attended by 15 participants, including 7 women, most of them being members of the National Technical Committee put in place in the framework of the SPARS design process.

Combining capacity-building and practical sessions on the process of capacity assessment of the agricultural statistics system, as recommended by the SPARS Guidelines developed by FAO, the workshop ended up with a draft version of the assessment report. This session was also the opportunity to present the ADAPT platform (an online tool developed by PARIS 21 to help countries better plan their statistical activities) and its link with the SPARS design process.

The next steps will be the endorsement of the assessment report by the National Steering Committee and the launch of the planning phase of the process.