Global Strategy to Improve Agricultural and Rural Statistics

The Global Strategy builds dissemination capacities in Lesotho


The first training on the Dissemination of Statistical Data was held in Lesotho from February 11th to 18th of 2023, facilitated by Mr.Michele Rocca, statistician, and expert in data processing and dissemination. The primary objective of the training program was to discover efficient means to overcome barriers to data dissemination.

The training gathered 11 participants (of which 9 female experts) from the Lesotho Bureau of Statistics with different profiles and divisions represented, reflecting the overarching nature of dissemination programs (Ag statistics team, ICT & Dissemination unit) and from the Ministry of Planning and Development.

During the training sessions, attendees engaged in comprehensive deliberations and garnered invaluable expertise in diverse domains pertaining to data dissemination such as dissemination policies, data documentation, and presenting agricultural statistics written-type publications such as statistical briefs and bulletins.

Furthermore, the participants also underwent practical sessions on crafting dynamic dashboards via Power BI, a potent data visualization tool.

The lesson days were also attended by the Director of the Bureau of Statistics, Ms. Malehloa Celina Molato who participated with enthusiasm and curiosity.

This training equipped the participants with the essential proficiencies requisite for disseminating data effectively and will be followed by two more training on Open Data and Microdata dissemination.