KORE - Plateforme de partage des connaissances sur la résilience

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KORE Learning briefs
How the Pastoralist Livelihoods and Education Field Schools approach addresses conflict drivers and strengthens resilience in cattle camps
This Learning Brief documents the main lessons drawn from the country investment implemented jointly by FAO and UNESCO and their implementing partners in South Sudan from 2019 to 2021 in the framework of the Global Network Against Food Crises Partnership [...]
Promoting structural transformation and resilience of the agriculture sector through sustainable energy solutions
This Learning Brief documents the main lessons drawn from the country investment implemented in the Gaza Strip from 2018 to 2022 by FAO and its partners in the framework of the Global Network Against Food Crises Partnership Programme, funded by [...]
South Sudan - Learning Brief
This Learning Brief presents the findings of a participatory review and learning exercise (PRLE) conducted by the South Sudan Food Security Cluster on selected initiatives at the humanitarian, development and peace (HDP) nexus in South Sudan. The PRLE identified good [...]
Translating context analysis and conflict-sensitive recommendations into adjustment in project implementation in Lower Shabelle region
This learning brief documents the learnings drawn from the project titled “Building resilience and promoting durable solutions in Lower Shabelle region” implemented from 2018 to 2022 by FAO and its partners in the framework of the Global Network Against Food [...]