Open Foris: Soluciones gratuitas y de código abierto para el monitoreo de bosques y tierras


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Watch a live demonstration of FAO’s latest forest monitoring innovation to ensure smallholder farmers remain market-accessible.

Time: 12.00–12.30 CEST 

Location: Atrium (FAO Headquarters, Rome, Italy)

After years of voluntary approaches for reducing deforestation linked to commodity production, mandatory regulations are on the rise (European Union Deforestation Re...

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Evento virtual, 15/11/2023

Reducir la deforestación, restaurar los bosques y gestionarlos de manera sostenible son caminos vitales para alcanzar los objetivos globales de 2030. El acceso a datos forestales precisos es crucial para los compromisos internacionales sobre la deforestación, la restauración y la acción climática. La FAO es un líder mundial en el monitoreo de bosques y ecosistemas, apoyando a los países en la c...

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Evento virtual, 28/04/2023 - 25/12/2023

Interested in digital platforms and tools for more effective forest and land monitoring? Learn how to use SEPAL.
To support knowledge and skills development to operationally apply high-resolution satellite imagery to critical forest and land monitoring in tropical forest countries.
The course focused on how the SEPAL platform can support land and forest monitoring. It guided you through s...

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Evento virtual, 07/07/2021

Objetivos del seminario web:
1) Resaltar el papel de los sistemas nacionales de monitoreo forestal (SNMF) en el apoyo a la acción climática;
2) Compartir conocimientos y experiencias de Ghana y Papua Nueva Guinea;
3) Lanzar la última herramienta de código abierto y gratuita de la FAO, creada para apoyar el monitoreo forestal.

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Evento virtual, 30/06/2021

The restoration of forests and other key ecosystems is a major pathway to address the concurrent climate and biodiversity crises. To meet the needs of forest restoration planning, FAO, in collaboration with the Spatial Informatics Group (SIG), SilvaCarbon and researchers at Peking University and Duke University, have developed a SEPAL-based forest restoration planning tool (Se.plan) that combin...