الوابور، الاستشعار عن بعد لإنتاجية المياه

أخبار الوابور

ستجد هنا آخر الأخبار حول مشروع الوابور، بدءًا من المؤتمرات والأحداث العالمية التي يشارك فيها المشروع، وحتى الأخبار الخاصة بكل بلد بالإضافة إلى الموارد الجديدة عندما تصبح متاحة.

يرجى ملاحظة أن صفحات الدول الأعضاء تقدم عرضًا خاصًا للأخبار إذا كنت ترغب في التركيز على أخبار بلد شريك في الوابور المرحلة الثانية وتطور المشروع في البلد .


WaPOR is being showcased, among other FAO applications, during the Youth Employment in Agriculture Conference in Kigali, Rwanda. Through the event #HackAgainstHunger/Africa, FAO is seeking innovative business models and new technologies...
Version 1.0 of WaPOR, FAO’s portal to monitor Water Productivity through Open access of Remotely sensed derived data, is now available. This new version is the result of a review...
The World Water Forum is the world’s biggest water-related event and is organized by the World Water Council (WWC), an international organization that brings together all those interested in the...
The 4th Arab Water Forum which takes place every three years, promotes a regional platform for engaging Arab Water Council members, decision-makers, water resources experts, practitioners and institutions into dialogue...
The UN-Water Integrated Monitoring Initiative for SDG 6 organized a global workshop in The Hague, The Netherlands, gathering country representatives from across the world as well UN-Water Members and Partners....
MetaMeta and the 25% Water Productivity Alliance organized in Cairo a 24 hours event aiming at building applications based on the FAO WaPOR portal and database. Participants were encouraged to...
VITO published an article on remote sensing on its blog. The article was written by a member of the FRAME Consortium, which supports the data development for WaPOR, and shows...
The WaPOR open-access database has gone live, tapping satellite data to help farmers achieve more reliable agricultural yields and allowing for the optimization of irrigation systems. WaPOR was presented this...