WaPOR, remote sensing for water productivity

WaPOR news

Here find all the latest news about the WaPOR project, from conferences and global events the project participates in, to country-specific news as well as new resources as they become available. 

Note that country pages offer a filtered view of the news if you wish to focus on news for a partner country of WaPOR phase 2 and the evolution of the project in the country.



Within the framework of the implementation of the activities of the project "Monitoring land and water productivity by remote sensing WaPOR phase 2" financed by the government of the Netherlands, a regional QGIS training for water productivity analysis is organized by the Food and Ag...


On 8 February 2024, the WaPOR team visited the project area in Jendouba, in Tunisia. Jendouba is one of the two Tunisian high-resolution areas, available at 20m resolution on the new WaPOR portal. The International Water Management Institute (IWMI) installed humidity sensors last January, with...


FAO's portal to monitor Water Productivity through Open-access of Remotely sensed derived data (WaPOR) was presented during the Digitalisation Session of the 5th Mediterranean Forum, held from 5 to 7 February in Tunis, Tunisia.

The portal was presented as an example to improve agricultu...


Between 4 and 7 February, WaPOR hosted a regional training in Jordan including participants from Jordan itself, Iraq, Palestine and Egypt. 

Read about it national news outlets in english,


Last November, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) signed an agreement with the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) of Ethiopia to support the Irrigation management information system (IMISET) in the country.

IMISET is a web-based information system run by the Min...


2023 has been a full year for WaPOR!

Our involvement in key events like the UN Water Con...


In January 2024, the FAO, in collaboration with the International Water Management Institute (IWMI), conducted the second on-the-job training of the series on the use of WaPOR data for irrigation performance assessment in the north Jordan Valley. Nine technical staff fro...


La FAO, en collaboration avec l'Institut international de gestion de l'eau (IWMI), a lancé une série de formations sur le terrain portant sur l'utilisation des données de télédétection WaPOR pour l'évaluation des performances de l'irrigation dans la vallée du nord de la ...


At this year's edition of the International Advanced School in Agricultural Meteorology in Bratislava, Slovakia, Bert Coerver conducted a comprehensive day-long training session on WaPOR for approximately 25 participants from diverse backgrounds. Throughout the day, attendees were introduced t...


The International Water Management Institute (IWMI), in collaboration with the FAO and the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) in Ethiopia, recently introduced the WaPOR tool during 2-day (December 5 to 7) training event at the ILRI campus in Addis Ababa. This is a step in the of an effort carried b...


Three important meetings were held to present and discuss the initial prototype of the Irrigation Performance Assessment Tool for the North Jordan Valley, developed by the International Water Management Institute (IWMI). The first meeting, which took place on September 26, involved 5 participa...


The WaPOR 2 inception workshop in Egypt has taken place in Cairo on 28 November 2023. The workshop was attended by 50 participants from diverse fields who actively engaged in the discussions regarding harnessing WaPOR data for effective impact.

The workshop facilitated fruitful exchanges...

IHE Delft launched on-the-job Water Accounting Plus (WA+) training on August 1, 2023, providing participants with a foundational virtual experience. A crucial face-to-face training session unfolded at the ILRI Campus in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from November 17 to 22, 2023. Over three intensive day...

As part of the WaPOR 2 project activities in Tunisia, a training workshop on the WaPOR concept and validation took place from November 21 to 22, 2023, at the Novotel Hotel in Tunis. The workshop aimed to achieve specific objectives, including refreshing participants on the WaPOR database, its ...


In November 2023, IHE Delft organized an WaPOR data validation training in Adama town near Adis Ababa, bringing together 27 participants from diverse backgrounds. This inclusive group represented government organizations, research institutes, universities, regional offices, and private sectors...


WaPOR, formally “Water Productivity through Open access of Remotely sensed derived data”, monitors land and water productivity by remote sensing. The project was recognized by its groundbreaking contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at the fifth annual


The Group on Earth Observation (GEO) is a partnership of more than 100 national governments and more than 100 participating organizations, among which FAO, that promotes full and open access to Earth observation data, information and knowledge. Ministers of the GEO member governments and organ...


As part of the WaPOR 2 project activities in Algeria, a WaPOR concept and validation training workshop was held from 7 to 8 November 2023 at the Algerian National Institute for Agronomic Research in Algiers. The main objective of the workshop was to train managers from the agriculture, water r...


The WaPOR phase 2 project organized the regional training "QGIS and WaPOR for Water Productivity and Irrigation performance", as part of the capacity development component and supported by the Knowledge Hub of Kenya at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT). ...


After another successful hackathon, SENBIO, a team composed of Jonathan Ghebremedhin, Lokhendra Rathore, Bethelhem Demeke,  Ethiopia B. Zeleke emerged as the winner with an idea anchored in the combination of WaPOR data and AI to help manage regional crop uncertainty in the context of glo...