Social Protection for Fisheries and Aquaculture (SocPro4Fish)

FAO was invited by Paraguay's TV channel, "5Días televisión", to discuss the FAO project "Social Protection for the Fisheries and Aquaculture Sector", also known as SocPro4Fish.
The Ministry of Social Development, in partnership with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), celebrated World Food Loss and Waste Awareness Day with a discussion on the critical issue of FLW.
On Tuesday, October 4, the workshop entitled "Social Protection, Food and Nutrition Security and Water Resources: An Integrated Approach for a Sustainable Future" organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) as part of the World Food Day celebrations was held at the Faculty of Veterinary Sciences of the National College of Asuncion.

Small-scale fishers often work in arduous conditions, facing many dangers, with no access to social security schemes. Investing in social protection can improve their  wellbeing and contribute to making artisanal fisheries a sustainable business for all.

The SocPro4Fish project has partnered with CFI on activities in Cabo Verde to support evidence generation around social protection coverage and how to link it to early warning systems to deploy anticipatory action in the country and in the wider African SIDS region.

Welcome to socpro4fish's September updates. This edition focuses on the world of diving and in particular the WECAFC region. Through blogs, stories and publications we look at the health and safety issues facing divers and how social protection can protect and support them and their families. 
On the shores of the Paraguay River, in the city of Villeta, just a few meters from his house, lie the two boats that Walberto Valdez (37) uses daily to venture out into the waters in search of catches.
Welcome to this edition of SocPro4Fish Updates, where we guide you to a curated collection of essential resources. Delve into webinars, courses, and insightful publications that navigate the intersection of Climate Change and Social Protection. Explore practical tools to comprehend the connections between climate and poverty vulnerabilities, and guidance on designing responses to build resilience in the fisheries sector. 
SocPro4Fish Updates focus on Tunisia.
Divers from the WECAFC region come in all profiles, nationalities, and ages. In Honduras and Nicaragua, most of an estimated total of 9,000 divers are Miskitos, an Indigenous People living along the eastern coast of the two countries. In large part, divers are male with ages ranging from 15 to 60. All face occupational health and safety issues and vulnerabilities due to their work.
Through the SocPro4Fish project, developed by FAO and INVEMAR, we continue training small-scale fishing workers! 

Strengthen the commercial, financial, and livelihood management competencies and skills of fishers' associations and fish marketers in Buenaventura.

Through the project  SocPro4Fish, the Marine and Coastal Research Institute of Colombia - INVEMAR, and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - FAO, held the second meeting of the territorial table of the Interinstitutional Group for Social Protection for Fisheries and Aquaculture - GIPRO, in Buenaventura.

This webinar focused on how social protection can improve the design and delivery of targeted and more cohesive climate responses and poverty reduction efforts for the fisheries sector. It included some preliminary results from a new global database and supportive tools and knowledge resources.

To promote economic inclusion, strengthen the resilience and livelihoods of fishers, fish workers, and farmers to cope with shocks, and reduce barriers to access social protection, the SocPro4Fish project is being implemented in Colombia. The project is working with artisanal fishers and other stakeholders in Buenaventura, such as platoneras (women in the post-harvest sector) and piangüeras (shellfish pickers). Regarding the aquaculture sector, the project is being implemented in the districts of Meta and Córdoba, involving three aquaculture associations.
SocPro4Fish recap of the year 2022. 
Women play a key role in the fisheries value chain. But they still face many challenges due to the lack of visibility and voice in decision-making, and a lack of a legal agenda promoting gender equality.

Discover the latest edition of SocPro4Fish Updates, your gateway to valuable insights, and collaborative efforts in the realm of social protection within the fisheries sector. This edition shines a spotlight on capacity building initiatives that aim to promote sustainable development, strengthen social protection programmes and empower institutional stakeholder to expand these the coverage of these programmes and fishers worldwide to access them.

This session explored how social protection can foster links to aquatic systems. Blue food systems transformation can only be achieved through policy coherence that brings environmental sustainability and socioeconomic well-being together. 
In a concerted effort to enhance the capabilities of small-scale fish farmers under the SocPro4Fish project, the Marine and Coastal Research Institute (INVEMAR) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) conducted two workshops in April. The workshops focused on strengthening financial knowledge and understanding revolving funds within the context of artisanal fisheries and aquaculture in Colombia.
This course provides an introduction to climate-poverty interactions and entry points for addressing them. The course aims to improve knowledge and capacities for more integrated, multi-sectoral approaches, so that policies, investments, and programmes have a greater impact on rural poverty reduction and climate change adaptation/mitigation and the interactions between the two.