More effective and sustainable investments in water for poverty reduction

Needs assessment

Based on interviews and national consultations carried out during the needs assessment, the most relevant agricultural water management technologies identified for poverty reduction that are currently used in Ethiopia are:

  • Shallow and deep wells: Although commonly used for domestic water supply, their use for irrigation became widespread recently. Water lifting technologies like treadle pumps, rope and washer pumps and diesel engine pumps are commonly used. These are suitable for individual holdings since they are available and affordable.
  • Diversion schemes and gravity irrigation: Temporary or semi-permanent dams and earthen canals that divert surface water from rivers for agriculture. Water is brought to the field by gravity.
  • Rainwater harvesting: A method which captures rainwater and stores it as surface water.

There are other cross-cutting priorities highlighted as crucial:

  • Capacity development at all levels
  • Access to financing and credit systems
  • Development of irrigated agriculture value chains
  • Knowledge management and information systems.

Furthermore, gender mainstreaming, enhancing community participation and equity, and integrating watershed management into irrigation development have also been highlighted as cross-cutting priorities.