FAO Investment Centre

New Climate Smart Agriculture Investment Plan promotes growth and resilience

Women in Nepal

©©FAO/Chris Steele-Perkins/Magnum Photos


Increasing climate risks and extreme weather events pose big challenges to Nepal’s agriculture sector – from reduced food production and water scarcity to the loss of biodiversity and forests. Setting its sights on a more productive, inclusive, resilient and low-carbon agriculture sector, Nepal’s Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development partnered with FAO and the World Bank to develop the Nepal Climate Smart Agriculture Investment Plan.

The plan supports Hand-in-Hand goals in Nepal, namely, accelerated agricultural transformation and sustainable rural development to reduce poverty and improve food security. It does so by providing guidance on investing in climate-smart agriculture practices and technologies suitable for different crop, livestock, agroforestry and aquaculture systems.

Making sure investments are locally relevant, addressing the specific needs and vulnerabilities of different groups, is vital. Using FAO climate modelling and mapping tools and analyzing existing experiences in detail, the multidisciplinary team developed six investment packages for four provinces in Nepal that represent the country’s diverse agroecological zones. Each package identifies the benefits of the proposed actions – like improved food security and nutrition, greater economic inclusion, reduced greenhouse gas emissions – as well as costs. It also looks at how to carry out and finance those actions in the context of federalism.

The plan features recommendations for enhancing the enabling environment, including federal support for coordination, planning and research, and for guiding provincial governments on where to focus their resources and how to strengthen their capacity. Building on existing strategy documents, the plan is the product of wide consultations with federal and provincial government agencies, drawing in civil society, the private sector, farmer groups and research institutions. The proposed investment options aim to strike synergies between driving agricultural and economic growth in Nepal along with improving climate adaptation and resilience. Integrated farming systems combining agroforestry, crop and livestock production – along with good quality seed varieties and livestock breeds and efficient extension services – can contribute, for example, to healthier soils and biomass, reduce environmental pressures and lead to better nutrition, more diverse incomes and better livelihoods.