
Jordan at a glance

Jordan's agriculture sector plays a pivotal role in its economic stability and food security. Despite facing significant challenges such as limited water resources and arid conditions, it contributes approximately 5 percent to the country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and employs around 3 percent of its workforce.

One of the key strengths of Jordan's agricultural sector is its export potential. In recent years, the country has witnessed a significant increase in agricultural exports, reaching a value of 898 million Jordanian Dinars (JODs) in 2022. This represents a notable growth compared to the 649 million JODs recorded in 2018. The primary agricultural exports of Jordan consist of vegetables, fruits, and cereals, which collectively contribute to nearly 50 percent of the country's total agricultural export revenue.

However, Jordan also relies on imports to meet its domestic food demand. Grains, specifically wheat and barley, are significant agricultural imports for the country, accounting for 25 percent of total agriculture imports. The limited availability of arable land and water resources in Jordan restricts the country's ability to produce enough grains to fulfil its consumption needs. As a result, Jordan heavily depends on grain imports from countries such as the United States, Canada, and Australia.

Water scarcity is a major challenge facing Jordan's agricultural sector. The country is one of the most water-scarce nations in the world, with limited natural water resources. The growing population, climate change, and regional conflicts further exacerbate the water scarcity crisis. To address these challenges, Jordan heavily relies on external sources such as importing water from neighboring countries and desalination.

Water usage in Jordan is a critical issue due to the country's limited water resources and growing population. The allocation of water across different sectors plays a crucial role in ensuring sustainable development and meeting the needs of the population. Water usage in Jordan is distributed among the agricultural, municipal, and industrial sectors. The agricultural sector consumes the largest share of water resources due to the need for irrigation in arid conditions. The municipal sector provides potable water for domestic and public use, while the industrial sector utilizes water for various industrial processes. Sustainable water management practices are crucial to ensure the efficient allocation and conservation of water resources in Jordan.

To address the challenges facing its agriculture and food security sectors, the Government of Jordan has implemented the Jordan Economic Modernization Vision. This comprehensive plan aims to enhance the agricultural sector's productivity, sustainability, and competitiveness. One of the key objectives of the plan is to establish a comprehensive national database for food security. This database would provide accurate and up-to-date information on various aspects related to food production, consumption, and availability, enabling policymakers to make informed decisions regarding food security strategies and interventions.

Another aspect of the plan focuses on supporting the development and exploitation of agricultural land. Jordan has limited arable land due to its arid climate and water scarcity, however, through innovative techniques such as drip irrigation and hydroponics, the Government aims to maximize the productivity of available land resources. Additionally, efforts are being made to reclaim unused or underutilized agricultural land to expand cultivation areas.

The plan also aims to stimulate the agricultural sector and promote food processing. This involves providing financial incentives and technical support to farmers, encouraging investment in agribusinesses, and developing infrastructure for food processing facilities. By promoting value-added activities such as food processing, Jordan aims to increase the profitability of the agricultural sector and reduce post-harvest losses.

To ensure the success of these initiatives, the Government is also working towards enhancing research and development in agriculture. This involves collaborating with universities, research institutions, and international organizations to improve agricultural practices, develop new technologies, and enhance crop varieties suitable for Jordan's climate conditions.