
Building the aquaculture sector in Lebanon


Within the framework of the development of the aquaculture sector in Lebanon, the Lebanese Ministry of Agriculture and the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) today reaffirmed their commitment to build a stronger and more sustainable aquaculture sector in Lebanon, and to work together towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

“The aquaculture sector can offer countless opportunities to the people of Lebanon. It can significantly contribute to boosting food security and nutrition, and helping to stem the tide of migration from rural areas by creating new job opportunities,” said Ibrahim Hawi, Advisor to Lebanon’s Minister of Agriculture, Abbas HajjHassan, who considers the GFCM’s work crucial for the sustainability of aquaculture in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea and for the countless people who depend on it.

“In Lebanon, the GFCM is working closely with the Ministry of Agriculture and relevant stakeholders to realize the full potential of aquaculture,” said Houssam Hamza, GFCM Aquaculture Officer who visited Lebanon this week.

The GFCM will continue to support the Ministry of Agriculture in its objective to improve the sustainability of the aquaculture sector with a special focus on small-scale farmers.

The first fish farm in Lebanon was established in 1932. Currently, some 3,700 tonnes of trout fish are being produced every year across the country’s 350 aquaculture farms, with some producers experimenting in tilapia and carp and marine species like shrimps.


An extensive GFCM-supported national survey to better understand the aquaculture sector’s needs across the country is just being finalised. This included a census of fish farms. The results of the survey will be crucial to better understand the sector’s opportunities and challenges, and will pave the way for building a stronger and more sustainable aquaculture sector in Lebanon.


The GFCM has been also providing training to Ministry of Agriculture staff and farmers in mapping tools and to improve their skills in maritime spatial planning. The training is crucial for the development and better management of future marine fish farms.


The Ministry of Agriculture and the GFCM and their partners will continue to work together to step up efforts to bolster the aquaculture sector, and thus, improve food security and nutrition, boost the economy and build stronger rural communities, particularly during the present dire economic conditions.