


Funded by the Government of Canada, FAO with the Ministry of Agriculture and the General Directorate of Cooperatives implemented a transformative project focused on women empowerment. It encouraged the group work with cooperatives, associations or informal groups.


Funded by Canada, through the PSDP, FAO enhanced the production skills of 420 farmers from North Lebanon. The farmers attended awareness sessions, received technical training, and benefitted from the provision of inputs on environmentally sustainable and Good Agricultural Practices (GAP).


Funded by the Government of Canada, FAO with the Ministry of Agriculture and the General Directorate of Cooperatives implemented a transformative project focused on women empowerment. It encouraged the group work with cooperatives, associations or informal groups.


This movie falls under the project “Promotion of Good Agricultural Practices, including Integrated Pest Management to reduce agrochemical pollution in upper Litani basin”.


FAO in Lebanon highlights its support to the General Directorate of Cooperatives (GDC) at the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) in the framework of the Canada-funded FAO project “Support to Women's Cooperatives and Associations in the agri-food sector in Lebanon”.


Under the “Rehabilitation and waste management of El-Bared Canal Irrigation System to reduce source-to-sea pollution and improve livelihoods in the Akkar Region of Lebanon” project, a LoA was signed with ACTED NGO in order to support FAO in the implementation of a community-based awareness campaign on solid waste management.


This project is implemented by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), in collaboration with North Lebanon Water Establishment (NLWE), which represents the Ministry of Water and Energy.


Employees from the Ministry of Agriculture and from the Industrial Development and Research Agri-Center (IDRAC) of the Chamber of Commerce Industry and Agriculture of Tripoli (CCIAT) participated in a training of facilitators on Farmer Field Schools (FFS).


Funded by the Government of Canada, FAO in collaboration with the Lebanese Ministry of Agriculture enrolled women cooperatives, associations and informal groups in Cooperative Business Schools (CBS) providing them with business training and coaching.


Lamia, a forest hero of Lebanon is a woman who understands sustainable living and whose livelihoods depends on sustainable forest management. This movie is part of a series highlighting many forest heroes from Lebanon.


Under the framework of the FAO project “Support to Women's Cooperatives and Associations in the Agri-food Sector in Lebanon", funded by the Government of Canada, FAO contracted International Alert to conduct a Gender Equality and a Gender Based Violence awareness campaigns.


This FAO project is funded by the Government of Korea and implemented in collaboration with the Ministry of the Agriculture, the Municipality of Anjar, AFDC and LRI NGOs. It aims at implementing reforestation and forest management activities in addition to planting a green belt along the agricultural roads and around the fields.


This video highlights the role of women in beekeeping as a forest-based jobs. FAO promotes forest-related activities and jobs that generate income to local communities, including women and vulnerable groups. Beekeeping and honey production is one of them.


The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in Lebanon in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture distributed vouchers to farmers for the purchase of agricultural inputs during August and October 2020. Around 1000 farming families (around 5 000 individuals) in Akkar and Baalback-Hermel benefitted from the vouchers.


The FAO project “Upgrading the Technical Agriculture Education System in Lebanon” is funded by the Kingdom of Netherlands and implemented in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture, UNICEF, ILO and AVSI. The project works on enhancing the employability of young Lebanese and displaced Syrians and other refugees in Lebanon.


The project is both a humanitarian and development initiative, where it aims at reviving agricultural livelihoods and creating employment. It builds the capacities of Green Plan (a subsidiary of the Ministry of Agriculture) and supports mare than 1 200 small-scale Lebanese farmers through investment in agricultural infrastructure


FAO Lebanon adapted and developed the Farm Business Schools (FBS) approach in Arabic for its use in Lebanon but also in the Arab region. It launched it for the first time in 2019, through the “Promotion of Agricultural Livelihoods and Employment through Investment in Land Reclamation and Water Reservoirs” project funded by the Kingdom of the Netherlands.


Quinoa production was introduced to Lebanon through a FAO technical cooperation project over two years. Nineteen varieties of quinoa seeds were provided to the Lebanese Agricultural Research Institute. and tested for their suitability to various agro-ecological zones, different sowing dates and agricultural practices.


Concerns over the spread of high impact transboundary animal diseases are mounting in Lebanon and neighbouring countries as millions of refugees fleeing the conflict in Syria have brought with them large numbers of unvaccinated sheep, goats, cattle, and other animals.


Farmer Field Schools (FFS) are based on an innovative, participatory and interactive learning approach in which farmers are empowered to direct the learning process. Groups of 25-35 farmers meet regularly to consult and make decisions on project implementation, with the support of facilitators.