
FAO launches “REEFI”, a digital game on child labour and occupational safety and health in agriculture for rural children and youth


The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) supports youth to access decent work in rural areas. In response to the challenge of child labour in agriculture in Lebanon, FAO in collaboration with Plan International, organized today a virtual launching event of “REEFI”, which means “my rural place”, a digital game to reduce child labour and enhance occupational safety and health in agriculture for rural children and youth. Regional agriculture stakeholders and people working on occupational safety and health in agriculture attended the event.

This game was developed for children and youth to teach them about their rights and body needs, but also about hazards and risks, and how to protect their health in different farm settings such as greenhouses, open field, orchards, and others, in a playful and interactive manner.

This regional event was an opportunity to receive feedback on the game and to launch the upcoming phase, which will focus on the dissemination and uptake of the application in Lebanon at first, and to explore complementary measures needed to combat child labour in agriculture and ensure decent working conditions for children and youth.

In his opening speech, Deputy Regional Representative, FAO Regional Office for the Near East and North Africa, Serge Nakouzi stressed that “children must be able to engage in and learn about agriculture in a safe and healthy environment. This requires partnership and concerted action among all actors.”

From his side, the FAO Representative a.i in Lebanon, Etienne Careme mentioned that “Reefi” is an attractive tool for rural children and youth. It allows them to understand what constitutes child labour as well as to recognize and avoid physical hazards in agriculture, such as exposure to weather (sun, cold, rain), pollution, animal bites/stings, chemicals (greenhouses, pesticides), heavy loads, sharp tools, among others.”

The game is accessible on both Android and iOS platforms.