
FAO rallies global community behind 2023 theme: Water is Life, Water is Food - Leave No One Behind


Rome – The global ceremony marking this year’s World Food Day 2023 took place here today, against a backdrop of increasing world hunger and conflicts. In particular, participants stressed water’s critical role in underpinning our food security and how we can better manage and not take for granted this precious and finite resource.

In opening remarks, QU Dongyu the Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, said this year’s World Food Day theme: Water is Life, Water is Food. - Leave no one behind, “makes the vital connection between water and food - without water there is no food and there is no food security without water security.”

However, rapid population growth, urbanization, industrialization, economic development and the climate crisis have all taken a toll on our water resources the world over, while increasing floods and droughts are further impacting agrifood  systems – jeopardizing the livelihoods of millions of farmers, Qu noted.

“But the good news is that we can produce more and better, with less. We can reduce water use, by using water wisely, and by recycling. And we can reduce agriculture’s water footprint by adopting a holistic and integrated approach to water management.” the FAO Director-General said.