
The Food and Agriculture Organization of Lebanon concludes the training of facilitators on Farmers Field Schools and distributes certificates to participants


Today, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in Lebanon, in cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture, concluded the training of facilitators for the Farmers Field Schools, which lasted eight consecutive days. Twenty-eight facilitators from the Ministry of Agriculture and from the Industrial Development and Research Agro- Center (IDRAC) service center of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry, and Agriculture of Tripoli (CCIAT) received their facilitator certificate today, in the presence of Etienne Careme, FAO Representative a.i in Lebanon, Alexandra Santillana, Senior Development Officer of the Embassy of Canada, Mariam Eid, PSDP Focal Point of the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) and Linda Sultan, Director of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Agriculture of Tripoli and North Lebanon.

“The training was an opportunity for the participants to learn how to set up and manage the Farmer Field School (FFS) with a gender-balanced participation in each group,” said Etienne Careme, FAO Representative a.i in Lebanon.

The training also included the application of good agricultural practices, especially integrated pest management and water management at field level. This training will enable the participants to establish and manage field schools for farmers with a selected group of farmers throughout the agricultural calendar period of the selected crops.

This training is being developed within the framework of two projects, implemented by FAO:  “Implementing the 2030 Agenda for water efficiency/productivity and water sustainability in NENA countries”, funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), and the “Productive Sectors Development Programme” funded by the Government of Canada.