
Training workshop on "Gender Mainstreaming in the Agricultural sector”


Within the framework of the project “Support to Women’s Cooperatives and Associations in the Agri-food Sector of Lebanon”, funded by the Government of Canada, a five-day training workshop on “Gender Mainstreaming in the Agricultural sector” was organized on 2 and 3 December 2021 and on 10 and 11 February 2022 online.

A closing workshop was held on 25 February 2022 gathering project facilitators, men and women mostly from the Ministry of Agriculture together with the staff of the General Directorate of Cooperatives and the FAO project team. They all actively participated in the project discussions and exercises. The workshop was also attended by the Director General of Cooperatives, Eng Gloria Abouzeid who encouraged the staff to consider gender mainstreaming in their work within the directorate.  

The workshop aimed at building the capacity of the participants in mainstreaming gender in their own work. It also shed the light on the importance of gender mainstreaming and providing applicable tools to understand the gender roles, constraints and opportunities and to mainstream gender in the agricultural cooperative sector aiming to achieve gender equality and women empowerment. 


Project Brief 

Funded by the Government of Canada, this project is implemented by FAO in coordination with the Ministry of Agriculture the General Directorates of Agriculture and of Cooperatives and aims at empowering rural women in Lebanon and improving their livelihoods through capacity building, grants and cash for work allowing them to develop and implement sustainable small scale income generating activities in cooperatives, associations or informal women groups.