
World Food Day 2017: Change the Future of Migration – Invest in Food Security and Rural Development


The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Ministry of Agriculture in Lebanon, in collaboration with the World Food Program (WFP) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM), celebrated today World Food Day 2017, under the theme ‘Change the future of migration – Invest in food security and rural development’. The ceremony was organized at the Coral Beach Hotel in Beirut under the patronage of H.E. Minister of Agriculture, Mr. Ghazi Zeaiter. 

The ceremony was attended by the Minister of Agriculture, Mr. Ghazi Zeaiter, the FAO Representative in Lebanon, Dr. Maurice Saade, the WFP Representative in Lebanon, Mr. Dominik Heinrich, and the IOM Representative in Lebanon Mr. Fawzi Al Zioudi. A number of official figures, representatives of embassies, UN agencies, civil society organizations, universities and the media also participated in this event.

Following the welcoming remarks by Ms. Mariam Eid, Head of the Food Industry Department at the Ministry of Agriculture, Mr. Fawzi Al Zioudi, the IOM representative in Lebanon delivered a speech in which he pointed out that “the drivers of forced migration are often associated with insufficient food security and rural poverty. Improving agriculture conditions and rural development, particularly with regard to livelihood opportunities, are thus vital to address the current migration challenges.

In his speech, Mr. Dominik Heinrich, WFP representative in Lebanon focused on WFP’s programs in rural areas to enhance the resilience of Lebanese communities hosting displaced Syrians after the Syrian conflict.  

Dr. Maurice Saade,  FAO representative in Lebanon reiterated FAO’s strong commitment to continue to support the Ministry of Agriculture and other Lebanese institutions to achieve their shared objectives of helping Lebanese farmers and rural communities

In his speech, the Minister of Agriculture, Mr. Ghazi Zeaiter statedthatmigration from rural to urban areas in Lebanon is a major cause of demographic and economic changes, which lead to the decline in the agricultural sector’s labor force, as well as a decline in the contribution of the agricultural sector to Lebanon’s GDP from 6% in 2004 to 4% in 2015." He concluded his statement by congratulating FAO on World Food Day.

An innovative exhibition that showcases FAO and WFP’s work in Lebanon during 2017 was displayed at the event. The ceremony also included the distribution of Lebanese apples as a token of the role of FAO in supporting local production and Lebanese farmers.

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) celebrates World Food Day on 16 October each year, the day on which the Organization was founded in 1945. Each year it is celebrated by more than 150 countries worldwide. 

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Ministry of Agriculture in Lebanon, in collaboration with the World Food Program (WFP) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM), celebrated today World Food Day 2017, under the theme ‘Change the future of migration – Invest in food security and rural development’. The ceremony was organized at the Coral Beach Hotel in Beirut under the patronage of H.E. Minister of Agriculture, Mr. Ghazi Zeaiter.


The ceremony was attended by the Minister of Agriculture, Mr. Ghazi Zeaiter, the FAO Representative in Lebanon, Dr. Maurice Saade, the WFP Representative in Lebanon, Mr. Dominik Heinrich, and the IOM Representative in Lebanon Mr. Fawzi Al Zioudi. A number of official figures, representatives of embassies, UN agencies, civil society organizations, universities and the media also participated in this event.


Following the welcoming remarks by Ms. Mariam Eid, Head of the Food Industry Department at the Ministry of Agriculture, Mr. Fawzi Al Zioudi, the IOM representative in Lebanon delivered a speech in which he pointed out that “the drivers of forced migration are often associated with insufficient food security and rural poverty. Improving agriculture conditions and rural development, particularly with regard to livelihood opportunities, are thus vital to address the current migration challenges.


In his speech, Mr. Dominik Heinrich, WFP representative in Lebanon focused on WFP’s programs in rural areas to enhance the resilience of Lebanese communities hosting displaced Syrians after the Syrian conflict.  


Dr. Maurice Saade,  FAO representative in Lebanon reiterated FAO’s strong commitment to continue to support the Ministry of Agriculture and other Lebanese institutions to achieve their shared objectives of helping Lebanese farmers and rural communities