


The newsletter starts with the message from FAO Representative ad interim in Liberia, and continues to introduce recent updates and achievements including the World Food Day 2023 engagement, the introduction of solar-powered mobile farms under the UAE-funded project, the World One Health Day in Liberia, the World AMR Awareness Week (WAAW) activities in Liberia, UN Nutrition's collaborative work in Liberia, and activities on sustainable vegetable farming and value addition.


The publication introduces the work of ECTAD in Liberia, underpinned by One Health Approach in five areas of activities: national laboratory system, biosafety and biosecurity, antimicrobial resistance, human resource development, and zoonotic diseases. It summarizes the areas of focus and recent major achievements for each of the five areas.


The document is a report of the official commemoration event on One Health Day in Liberia in 2023, organized in collaboration with the government and other partners.


The publication provides the mid-term performance review of FAO Liberia’s Country Programming Framework (CPF) 2020–2023. The review consists of introduction of the country context, situational analysis, performance analysis, and conclusion. The analysis was made according to the four CPF outputs and 21 strategic actions (SAs) across the outputs.


This issue covers FAO Liberia's activities in May-June 2023, which include stories on the high-level engagement on the agricultural extension policy launch, trainings on soil analysis, One Health Country Profiling workshop and Liberia National Rabies Control Strategy Review workshop, progress on fish processing facility construction, the assessment mission for Farmer Field School (FFS) activities, a field assessment to promote peace dividend, and World Food Safety awareness campaign.


The project factsheet provides the basic information of the Technical Cooperation Programme (TCP) project "Strengthening Soil Analysis and Information Systems to Enhance Sustainable Soil Management and Support Evidence Based Decision Making in Liberia," implemented in Liberia in 2021-2023. It includes the project background, objectives, key partners and main achievements.


The publication introduces potential partners and stakeholders the proposed project aiming at strengthening soil analysis and information in Liberia. It provides the background, of the issue, the action, the expected results and the project targets.


The project contributed to efforts to ensure food and nutrition security, as well as to improve the livelihoods of the population in targeted counties. Implemented activities contributed to maintaining maize productivity and increasing crop and livestock production, thereby contributing to SDG 2, which is geared towards ending hunger by 2030. By ensuring farmers have stable livelihoods and access to affordable livestock feed, this project contributed to SDG 1, which aims to eradicate poverty.


The project factsheet provides the basic information of the project "Linking Extension and Research to Farmers for Sustainable Agriculture, Food Security and Nutrition," including the project objectives, key partners and main achievements of the implemented by FAO Representation in Liberia in 2019-2023.