Markets and Trade

Commodity in focus

Bananas are among the most produced, traded and consumed fruits globally. More than 1 000 varieties of bananas exist in the world, and they each provide vital nutrients to populations in producing and importing countries alike. The most traded variety is the Cavendish banana, which accounts for just under half of global production and has an estimated annual production volume of 50 million tonnes. Bananas are particularly significant in some of the least-developed, low-income, food-deficit countries, where they can contribute not only to household food security as a staple but also to income generation as a cash crop.

World banana trade has recorded comparatively high levels of around 20 million tonnes per annum in recent years. Key drivers of trade include supply growth in both leading and emerging export countries, as well as ample global import demand. However, increasingly erratic and adverse weather conditions, rising costs of production, tight producer margins, and the spread of plant pests and diseases are causing severe concern to the industry.

Current releases
Banana Market Review - Preliminary results 2024

The Banana Market Review Preliminary Results are issued on an annual basis to Members and Observers of the Sub-Group on Bananas of the Intergovernmental...

Journal; magazine; bulletin
Banana Market Review 2023

The Banana Market Review is issued on an annual basis to Members and Observers of the Sub-Group on Bananas of the Intergovernmental Group on Bananas...

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This report explores how farm productivity affects poverty, and how various factor market constraints affect farm productivity. The empirical analysis draws on representative surveys of farm households in Kilimanjaro and Ruvuma, two cash crop growing regions in the United Republic of Tanzania. Poorer households were found not only to possess fewer assets, but also to be much less productive. Findings show that agricultural productivity directly affects household consumption and hence overall pov erty and welfare. Stochastic production frontier analysis indicates that many farmers are farming well below best practice in the region. Holding inputs constant, they attain on average only 60 percent of the output obtained by their best counterparts. Analysis of allocative efficiency suggests that family labour is substantially overutilized, a sign of considerable excess labour supply. Use of intermediate inputs on the other hand is well below what is commensurate with the estimated value of t heir marginal productivities. An important reason for low input use is lack of credit to purchase inputs, but difficult access to the inputs themselves and being connected to the economy more broadly are also important impediments. Easy access to credit is positively associated with being a member of a savings association or being in a contractual arrangement with a cooperative or firm. Irrigation infrastructure facilitates access to credit. Together these findings support a continuing emphasis on increasing agricultural productivity in designing poverty reduction policies. Better agronomic practices and increased input use will be crucial in this strategy. Better access to inputs and improved roads and transport services will further help boost input application. Financial constraints might be relieved through fostering institutional arrangements facilitating contract enforcement (e.g. contract farming, marketing cooperatives) and institutions that facilitate saving by the households themselves. They may also be relieved by the provision of more adequate consumption safety nets. The overall results suggest that a pro-poor rural development strategy needs to be anchored around improvements in agricultural productivity.


The global supply and demand balance for cereals is pointing to a tighter situation in 2002/03 than was anticipated earlier in the wake of deteriorating crop prospects in a number of major producing countries. Based on the production and consumption forecasts for 2002/03, world cereal stocks for crop years ending in 2003 are expected to plunge sharply. The humanitarian crisis in southern Africa is deepening as international response has so far seriously fallen short of needs. Globally, 32 countries are presently facing food emergencies and need food assistance. FAO’s forecast of global cereal output in 2002 has been revised downward to 1 830 million tonnes, 3 percent down from last year and the smallest crop since 1995. On latest indications, output of wheat is forecast at 563 million tonnes, down 3 percent, that of coarse grains at 874 million tonnes would be down by close to 4 percent, while rice production, at 394 million tonnes (milled basis), would be down by 1.4 percent. World cereal trade (exports) in 2002/03 is forecast at 236 million tonnes, which would be some 4 million tonnes below the previous season’s record volume. The expected decline is exclusively on account of a sharp contraction expected in world wheat trade, while trade in coarse grains and rice is expected to rise. World cereal utilization is forecast at 1 940 million tonnes in 2002/03, which would represent a negligible growth from the previous year, and stand about 10 percent, below the 10-year trend. World cereal stocks by the end of the crop seasons ending in 2003 are forecast to fall sharply to 466 million tonnes, 108 million tonnes down from their already reduced opening level. Apart from poor crops in several important producing countries, the continuing policy of significant stock reductions in China, would still account for a large proportion of the total anticipated decline in stocks at the global level. International wheat and coarse grain prices have increased in recent months, fuelled by growing evidence of tighter exportable grain supplies in traditional grain exporting countries. By contrast, for rice, large supplies in major exporting countries are keeping prices under pressure. FOOD AND AGRICULTUR



Bananas are predominantly produced in Asia, Latin America and Africa. The largest producers for domestic consumption are India and China


Banana cultivar diversity comprises dessert types, like the Cavendish banana, and cooking types, like plantains. Some cultivars can have dual uses.


Harsh methods are often used to control irrigation and plant diseases in large-scale banana production, and such production methods can carry significant negative repercussions for the environment and the health and safety of workers and local communities.


A serious threat to the industry continues to be Fusarium Tropical Race 4 (TR4), a fungal disease affecting banana plants. It is currently confirmed in 21 banana-producing countries. In all reported cases, once a piece of farmland is contaminated with TR4, managing the disease is challenging and costly.

 The global banana value chain is increasingly characterized by the direct downstream activities of large retail chains from the key importing countries. These chains operate independent of traditional fruit companies by sourcing bananas directly from growers and distributors.   



On average, more than 90 percent of bananas for export originate from Central and South America and the Philippines. The largest importers are the EU, the United States of America, China, the Russian Federation, and Japan. 


Banana export earnings help to finance food import bills, supporting the economies of major banana-producing countries.


Research in ten banana producing countries found that income from banana farming can account for around three-quarters of the total monthly household income of smallholder farmers. 


The effects of global warming are resulting in a higher occurrence of droughts, floods, hurricanes and other natural disasters. These environmental concerns render banana production increasingly difficult, uncertain and costly, and threaten to disrupt global supplies and smallholder livelihoods.