Global food prices rise at rapid pace in May
The FAO Food Price Index averaged 127.1 points in May, 4.8 percent higher than in April and 39.7 percent higher than in May 2020.

Celebrating tea is celebrating peace, culture and hope
Global demand for tea has seen a remarkable increase during the COVID-19 pandemic, providing a new momentum to build a sustainable and resilient tea sector while preserving its unique character of bringing people together. This was a key takeaway from...

E-learning course: Trade, Food Security and Nutrition (in Russian)
The course, which will be offered on the UNITAR platform, seeks to strengthen capacities in the post-soviet countries to develop and implement trade policies, taking into consideration their implications for food security and nutrition.
Weekly discussion forums of the online course...

Women and youth play a key role in Ghana’s development
FAO and partners highlight productive investment in this sector
Women and youth occupy a crucial role in agricultural production and when given access to inputs, finance, and markets, have huge potential in the development of agri-businesses and agro-industries.
The declaration came from...

Agriculture in International Trade Agreements (in Russian)
FAO and UNITAR will conduct online course “Agriculture in International Trade Agreements” as part of FAO’s Regional Initiative for Improving Agrifood Trade and Market Integration in Europe and Central Asia. The course seeks to support policy makers in developing agricultural...

Twenty-third Session of the Intergovernmental Group on Tea
The FAO Intergovernmental Group (IGG) on Tea represents a forum for
intergovernmental consultation and exchange on trends in production,
consumption, trade and prices of tea, including regular appraisal of the
global market situation and short term outlook. The Group considers
changes in national policies and examines their international effects as
pertaining to the current and prospective market situation.

La FAO en la 11ª Conferencia Ministerial de la OMC en Buenos Aires, Argentina (MC11)
La relación entre el comercio y la seguridad alimentaria suscita una
atención cada vez mayor, tanto en la agenda del comercio como en la del
desarrollo. Se considera que el comercio equitativo es un factor que
impulsa poderosamente el cumplimiento de la Agenda 2030 para el
Desarrollo Sostenible y el logro del Hambre Cero en el contexto del
cambio climático.

E-learning course: Agriculture in Trade Agreements
Assisting developing countries in implementing current trade agreements
and in preparing for trade negotiations is a core activity of FAO.
Support to the implementation of the World Trade Organization (WTO)
Uruguay Round Agreements and to the negotiations on agriculture under
the Doha Round have been prominent activities in this area. Regional
trade agreements (RTAs) are also becoming increasingly important. While
agriculture is an integral part of these agreements, its treatment in
RTAs has been a divisive policy issue.

Dialogue: Developing a coherent national policy framework on agricultural trade
The workshop was organized to validate the assessment findings and recommendations with national stakeholders and agree of the path forward to strengthen agriculture and trade policy coherence in Rwanda.

Dialogue: Developing a coherent national policy framework on agricultural trade
In Tanzania like in many countries, market and trade-related bottlenecks
constrain initiatives to promote agricultural productivity
improvements, develop domestic value chains, generate
agriculture-related employment and improve domestic food security.
Addressing misalignment between agricultural and trade policies is
fundamental to creating an enabling environment for agricultural
development initiatives to work.

E-learning course on WTO accession issues in agriculture (in Russian)
The facilitated e-learning course WTO accession and implications for agriculture in the post-Soviet countries will be conducted from 5 to 30 June, 2017 on the UNITAR platform. The course aims to equip participants with better understanding of WTO principles and...

Expert consultation on trade and nutrition
This expert meeting is intended to explore issues around the
relationship between trade and nutrition. It will address the role of
trade in the “nutrition transition” and the extent to which trade and
trade policies can be either detrimental to, or supportive of improved
nutrition. It will also look at the impacts of changes in trade and
domestic policies on food availability at home and in countries abroad
and how these policies can change dietary patterns.

Committee on Commodity Problems - 71st Session
The Committee on Commodity Problems (CCP) is the FAO Governing Body that tracks agricultural commodity markets. It deliberates key issues, debates the effects on food security, and makes policy recommendations.

Ministerial meeting on long-term commodity price trends and sustainable agricultural development
The theme of this year’s Ministerial meeting is ‘Long-term Commodity Price Trends and Sustainable Agricultural Development’.

Twenty-second session of the Intergovernmental Group on Tea
The FAO Intergovernmental Group (IGG) on Tea represents a forum for intergovernmental consultation and exchange on trends in production, consumption, trade and prices of tea, including regular appraisal of the global market situation and short term outlook.

Agricultural technologies and trade policy in Central Asia: Issues and prospects
The training workshop will facilitate a greater understanding of the different processes of trade and economic integration affecting the agricultural sector in Central Asia.