شعبة الأسواق والتجارة



مطبوعات يعرض مركز المطبوعات الخاص بشعبة الأسواق والتجارة كامل مخرجات الشعبة. أما الطريقة الفضلى لإيجاد المطبوعات المطلوبة فتكون من خلال استخدام مرفق البحث الذي يمكنكم من خلاله اختيار مرشحات مسبقة التعريف لتحسين إمكانية الوصول إلى ما تبحثون عنه.



10 December 2004

Sri Lanka, especially in the dry-zone areas, has experienced a prolonged drought stemming from reduced rainfall levels since the beginning of the 2003/04 Maha season from September 2003. Following a request of the Government of Sri Lanka, a FAO/WFP Crop and Food Supply Assessment Mission (CFSAM) visited the country from 7 to 24 March 2004 to assess the 2003/04 Maha harvest and to forecast 2004 Yala production in order to...

Available in: English French
Product type: Book (stand-alone)
Series: GIEWS - Special Reports

World cereal output in 2004 is estimated by FAO at a record 2 042 million tonnes, substantially more than the forecast in September and 8.4 percent up from 2003. Cereal production is forecast to exceed utilization in 2004/05, which would lead to an increase in stocks for the first time in five years. World cereal utilization in 2004/05 is forecast to rise by 2.4 percent from the previous season. Most of...

Available in: English French Spanish Chinese
Product type: Book (stand-alone)
Series: Food Outlook
22 November 2004

An FAO/WFP Crop and Food Supply Assessment Mission visited DPR Korea from 28 September to 9 October to assess the 2004 main-crop harvest, forecast 2005 production of winter and spring crops (wheat, barley and potatoes) and estimate cereal import requirements for the 2004/05 marketing year (November/October), including food-aid needs.

Available in: English French
Product type: Book (stand-alone)
Series: GIEWS - Special Reports

Available in: English
Product type: Journal; magazine; bulletin
8 September 2004

A joint FAO/WFP Crop and Food Supply Assessment Mission (CFSAM), visited Afghanistan between 8 July and 7 August 2004, to estimate the 2004 cereal harvest and forecast cereal import requirements for the 2004/05 (July/June) marketing year. The mission was requested by the Government of Afghanistan following reports of widespread crop failures due to drought in most of the country except the Northern provinces. The CFSAM was preceded by an inter-ministerial...

Available in: English French
Product type: Book (stand-alone)
Series: GIEWS - Special Reports

FAO’s latest forecast for world cereal output in 2004 has been raised by 29 million tonnes since the previous report to 1 985 million tonnes, which puts it on par with the expected utilization in 2004/05. This will avert the need for another major drawdown in global cereal stocks after sharp declines in the past four years. World cereal utilization in 2004/05 is forecast at 1 985 million tonnes, 1.4...

Available in: English French Spanish Chinese
Product type: Book (stand-alone)
Series: Food Outlook
6 August 2004

An FAO/WFP Crop and Food Supply Assessment Mission visited Angola from 16 May–5 June 2004. The Mission’s objective was to assess 2004 crop production and cereal import requirements, including food aid, for the 2004/05 marketing year (April–March). The Mission also prepared recommendations concerning the rehabilitation of Angolan agriculture, a non-food needs assessment, and a vulnerability assessment. The Mission was briefed by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MINADER), the...

Available in: English
Product type: Book (stand-alone)
Series: GIEWS - Special Reports
28 July 2004

An FAO/WFP Crop and Food Supply Assessment Mission visited Swaziland from 1 to 13 May 2004 to estimate the 2003/04 cereal harvest and import requirements – including food assistance – for the 2004/05 marketing year (April/March). The Mission received full cooperation from the Deputy Prime Minister’s Office, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives (MoAC), Central Statistical Office (CSO) of the Ministry of Economic Planning and Development, the National Disaster Task Force...

Available in: English
Product type: Book (stand-alone)
Series: GIEWS - Special Reports
22 July 2004

On 11 February 2004, the Kingdom of Lesotho declared a state of emergency because of the high level of food insecurity in the country. The 2003 winter harvest failed after persistent droughts that have also caused severe water shortages. An appeal for food assistance has been made for more than one-quarter of the population. Against this background an FAO/WFP Crop and Food Supply Assessment Mission visited Lesotho from 13–26 May...

Available in: English
Product type: Book (stand-alone)
Series: GIEWS - Special Reports
14 July 2004

Following four poor harvests in southern provinces and parts of the central provinces caused by drought or floods, an FAO/WFP Crop and Food Supply Assessment Mission (CFSAM) visited all the production areas in the country from 29 April to 20 May 2004. The Mission evaluated food crop production in the 2003/04 agricultural season, assessed the overall food supply situation, forecast cereal import requirements and possible exports in marketing year 2004/05...

Available in: English
Product type: Book (stand-alone)
Series: GIEWS - Special Reports