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24 July 2015

An FAO/WFP Crop and Food Supply Assessment Mission (CFSAM) visited the country from 11 to 22 May 2015 at the invitation of the Government of Swaziland to estimate the 2014/15 maize production and assess the food security situation. The invitation was prompted by an extended dry period between January and March 2015 that had raised serious concerns over the impact on crop production, particularly in the agro-ecological zones Lowveld and...

Available in: English French
Product type: Book (stand-alone)
Series: GIEWS - Special Reports
23 July 2015

Following a request to FAO from the Ministry of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform (MAAR), approved by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) on 17 March 2015, a joint FAO/WFP Crop and Food Security Mission (CFSAM) visited the Syrian Arab Republic between 11 and 31 May 2015.

Available in: English French
Product type: Book (stand-alone)
Series: GIEWS - Special Reports

Available in: English
Product type: Journal; magazine; bulletin
Themes: Agricultural Commodities and Development
Series: Meat Market Review

Available in: Russian
Product type: Journal; magazine; bulletin
Themes: Europe and Central Asia Trade Policy
Series: Trade Policy Review in Europe and Central Asia
Monthly Report on Food Price Trends

Export prices of wheat and maize mostly increased in June on concerns about the impact on crops of unfavourable weather during the month in major producing countries. By contrast, international prices of rice weakened further, mainly because of weak import demand. In general, cereal prices in June remained well below their year‑earlier levels, reflecting the overall continuing positive outlook for this year’s production. In East Africa, maize prices in Kenya,...

Product type: Journal; magazine; bulletin
Series: Food Price Monitoring and Analysis (FPMA)
Quarterly Global Report

Prospects for world cereal production in 2015 remain favourable, despite recent adverse weather conditions in some regions and continuing concerns over El Niño, with the global cereal supply and demand outlook for 2015/16 pointing to generally stable conditions. Export prices of wheat and maize generally increased in June on concerns about the impact of unfavourable weather yield potential. By contrast, international prices of rice weakened further mainly because of weak...

Available in: English French Spanish
Product type: Book (stand-alone)
Series: Crop Prospects and Food Situation
Perspectivas de las cosechas de cereales de primera de 2015 y situación de los mercados

Tras condiciones de tiempo seco en mayo, lluvias en junio mejoraron las condiciones para la siembra de cereales y frijoles de la campaña principal de primera de 2015. Las lluvias recientes podrían haber llegado tarde para evitar reducciones en el área sembrada, aunque no se dispone aún de estimados oficiales del área cultivada de cereales y frijoles. Las condiciones climatológicas y de los cultivos necesitan ser monitoreada de cerca debido...

Available in: Spanish
Product type: Newsletter
Series: GIEWS - Updates
Situation as of mid-June 2015

The FAO/GIEWS Country Cereal Balance System (CCBS) is a database of annual supply and utilization balances for main cereals, covering all countries of the world. It has been maintained by FAO/GIEWS since 1980 and is updated on a continual basis. This statistical report, which is a subset of CCBS data, presents the current-year cereal supply and demand balances for all sub-Saharan African countries, highlighting cereal import and food aid requirements...

Available in: English
Product type: Book (stand-alone)
Series: Cereal supply and demand balances for sub-Saharan African countries

Available in: Russian
Product type: Journal; magazine; bulletin
Series: Trade Policy Review in Europe and Central Asia
Prolonged dry spell raises serious concerns for 2015 food crop production

Prolonged dry spell from April to early June in main growing areas of the country affected plantings and yield potential of the 2015 food crops. Production of the 2014/15 early season potatoes and minor wheat and barley crops, currently harvested, anticipated to be considerably reduced. More rains are urgently needed to avoid a significant decrease in 2015 cereal production and the deterioration of the food security situation.

Available in: English
Product type: Newsletter
Series: GIEWS - Updates