



Available in: English French Spanish
Product type: Book (stand-alone)
Series: Review of basic food policies

The present issue of the Commodity Market Review (CMR) marks a significant departure from past issues of the same named FAO publication. In the past the main focus of the CMR was a review of developments in agricultural commodity markets, a description of the current situation, and a short term outlook for these commodities. The CMR 2001-2002 departed somewhat from this format, by including some short analytical articles, that tried...

Available in: English
Product type: Book (stand-alone)
Themes: Agricultural Commodities and Development

Latest information confirms another above-average cereal output in 1999, of 1 866 million tonnes (including rice in milled terms). However, at this level, production would be less than the anticipated consumption requirements in 1999/2000 and stocks, which have built-up over the past three years, would have to be drawn down. Food emergencies persist in many countries throughout the world, mainly due to the effects of natural disasters, civil strife and...

Available in: English French
Product type: Book (stand-alone)
Series: Food Outlook

The outlook for 1999 cereal production has improved slightly since June, due mainly to better crop prospects in Asia and North America. World production, however, will not be sufficient to meet anticipated consumption requirements and global stocks will need to be drawn down. Food emergencies persist throughout the world, mainly due to the effects of adverse weather, civil strife and chronic economic problems. Currently, 37 countries face food emergencies of varying...

Available in: English French
Product type: Book (stand-alone)
Series: Food Outlook

Latest indications continue to point to a reduction in cereal output in 1999 and to a slight deterioration in the cereal supply outlook for the forthcoming 1999/2000 marketing season. If current forecasts materialize, cereal output in 1999 would not be sufficient to meet expected consumption requirements in 1999/2000 and global cereal reserves accumulated in the last three seasons will have to be drawn down. A major humanitarian emergency persists in Europe,...

Available in: English French
Product type: Book (stand-alone)
Series: Food Outlook

Early forecasts point to a reduced 1999 global cereal output. Although above the average of the past five years, it would not be sufficient to meet expected consumption requirements in 1999/2000 and global cereal reserves will have to be drawn down. A major humanitarian emergency has unfolded in Europe where the unprecedented exodus of refugees from the Kosovo Province of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia calls for continued international assistance...

Available in: English French
Product type: Book (stand-alone)
Series: Food Outlook

The outlook for cereal supplies in 1998/99 has improved slightly, following upward revisions for the 1998 wheat and coarse grains harvests. Global cereal production in 1998 is now estimated at 1 880 million tonnes, just below the anticipated consumption requirements in 1998/99. Global stocks would have to be drawn upon, but very slightly, and would remain within the minimum safe range for world food security. Serious food emergencies afflict several...

Available in: English
Product type: Book (stand-alone)
Series: Food Outlook

《2020年农产品市场状况》旨在讨论全球和国内农业和食品市场促进经济、社会和环境可持续发展的政策和机制。报告围绕全球贸易和发展讨论的核心趋势和挑战展开分析。主题涵盖贸易和市场的演变、粮食和农业全球价值链的形成、发展中国家小农参与价值链和市场的程度、数字技术对市场的变革性影响。 《2020年农产品市场状况》围绕上述主题讨论了能够促进包容性经济增长并利用市场助力实现《2030年议程》及其可持续发展目标的政策和制度。

Product type: Book (stand-alone)


Available in: English
Product type: Brochure (factsheet; flyer/leaflet; Poster; banner)


Product type: Brochure (factsheet; flyer/leaflet; Poster; banner)
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