



The Monthly Price Update is an information product provided by the oilseeds desk of the Markets and Trade Division of FAO. It reviews the development of international prices for oilseeds, oils and meals as reflected by FAO’s price indices.

Available in: English
Product type: Journal; magazine; bulletin
Themes: Agricultural Commodities and Development
Series: Oilcrops Monthly Price and Policy Update
Monthly report on food price trends

International prices of all major cereals declined in March. World wheat prices fell significantly, reflecting ample supplies, strong export competition and the extension of the Black Sea Grain Initiative (BSGI). A mix of factors, including ongoing harvests in South America, expected record output in Brazil and currency depreciation in Argentina, led to a decline in maize prices. International rice prices also eased in March, weighed by ongoing or imminent harvests...

Product type: Journal; magazine; bulletin
Series: Food Price Monitoring and Analysis (FPMA)

FAO’s Responsible Business Conduct Quarterly Bulletin (RBC-Q) shares events and resources on FAO’s activities on Responsible Global Value Chains and news from around the world related to business, risk and development in the agricultural sector. It is prepared by FAO’s Markets and Trade Division (EST). This issue of the bulletin covers the period January-March 2023.

Available in: English
Product type: Journal; magazine; bulletin
Themes: Responsible Business Conduct (RBC) in Agriculture, Responsible Global Value Chains, Responsible Agricultural Supply
Series: Responsible Business Conduct Quarterly Bulletin

The Monthly Price Update is an information product provided by the oilseeds desk of the Markets and Trade Division of FAO. It reviews the development of international prices for oilseeds, oils and meals as reflected by FAO’s price indices.

Available in: English
Product type: Journal; magazine; bulletin
Themes: Agricultural Commodities and Development
Series: Oilcrops Monthly Price and Policy Update

Between 11 and 31 December 2022, following a request by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MoAF), the Food Security Technical Secretariat (FSTS), assisted by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the Ministry of Animal Resources and Fishery (MoARF), the Strategic Reserve Corporation (SRCo), the World Food Programme (WFP), the Famine Early Warning System Network (FEWS NET) and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID),...

Available in: English Arabic
Product type: Book (stand-alone)
Series: GIEWS - Special Reports
Monthly report on food price trends

After edging down for the past three months, international prices of wheat firmed marginally in February, mostly reflecting strong demand and concerns over dry weather conditions in some major exporters. World maize prices were nearly unchanged in February, with mixed price trends among the major exporters. International rice prices eased in February, amid exchange rate movements and a slowdown in trading activities in most major Asian exporters. Latest analysis by...

Product type: Journal; magazine; bulletin
Series: Food Price Monitoring and Analysis (FPMA)

At the request of the government, a joint FAO/WFP Crop and Food Security Assessment Mission (CFSAM) visited the country from 14 November to 2 December 2022 to estimate the 2022 crop production, to forecast the country’s import requirements for 2023 and to estimate the number of food insecure people. The mission’s aim was to provide an accurate picture of the severity and extent of the impact of unfavourable weather conditions...

Available in: English
Product type: Book (stand-alone)
Series: GIEWS - Special Reports
Quarterly Global Report

FAO assesses that 45 countries, including 33 in Africa, nine in Asia, two in Latin America and the Caribbean, and one in Europe, are in need of external assistance for food. Prospects of persisting drought in East Africa raise serious concerns about levels of acute food insecurity, with famine projected to occur among agropastoral households in Somalia. Globally, while international prices have softened, local food prices remain high and continue...

Available in: English French Spanish
Product type: Book (stand-alone)
Series: Crop Prospects and Food Situation
Situation as of February 2023

The cereal supply and demand balances included in this report present a subset of data from the FAO/GIEWS Country Cereal Balance System (CCBS). The CCBS is a is a unique database created and continuously kept up to date by the Global Information and Early Warning System on Food and Agriculture (GIEWS) and Basic Foodstuffs teams of the Markets and Trade Division, with data since 1980. It contains annual supply and...

Available in: English
Product type: Book (stand-alone)
Series: Cereal supply and demand balances for sub-Saharan African countries