Mercados y Comercio

Noticias y eventos

Seminar | Trade policy, WTO and development of agricultural markets in Post-Soviet countries

05 Oct 2017

Tbilisi, Georgia

This seminar is a continuation of the FAO e-learning course Accession to the WTO and implications for agriculture in the countries of the post-Soviet space. 90 people took part in the course between 5 to 30 June 2017, hosted by the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR).

Annual Meeting of the Agricultural Trade Policy Network in Europe and Central Asia

04 Oct 2017

Tbilisi, Georgia

Network members will discuss the results achieved during the year, and set up the programme of future network activities.

Workshop | The agrifood export promotion strategies in the post-Soviet countries

05 Sep 2017

Moscow, Russia

The workshop will discuss the existing evidence of best practices and challenges met in agrifood export promotion by some countries from Europe and Central Asia as well as learn the best practices in export promotion from Latin America. 

IAMO Forum 2017

21 Jun 2017 - 23 Jun 2017

Halle (Saale), Germany

IAMO Forum 2017 aims to provide a platform to discuss ongoing research and different strategies to ensure food security and intensify trade in the context of geopolitical tensions and divergent trade integration efforts. 

Workshop: Resolving agricultural trade issues through the WTO

07 Jun 2017

Kiev, Ukraine

The goal of the workshop is to provide information about various tools of trade issues settlement in agri-food trade. The workshops aims to raise awareness of its participants on various mechanisms, rules and procedures for mediation and settlement of trade disputes and to provide practical recommendations on identifying particular measures [...]

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