Mountain soils represent a finite, virtually non-renewable resource that provide essential ecosystem services for life on Earth, not only in the mountains but also downstream. This policy brief, published as...
The Journal of Alpine Research has released a new issue dedicated to the relationship between food and mountains.The issue includes articles in English and French, with some articles also in...
From October 2021 to March 2022, Dubai and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) brought more than 200 nations and organizations together to chart a course forward for a cleaner, safer...
In this policy brief, the UNESCO Man and the Biosphere Programme and the World Network of Mountain Biosphere Reserves present their recommendations for harnessing the socio-ecological potential of mountain biosphere...
Water is a finite natural resource. Zero Water Day(s) scenarios are challenging people and communities in Europe and worldwide. The public health community must seize the opportunity to prepare for...
To coincide with the 50th anniversary of FAO's Committee on Forestry, this edition of Unasylva showcases ways in which forests are delivering the "four betters" and underscores how forests are...
Mountains play a crucial role for both the highlands and lowlands, but are particularly vulnerable to climate change and human interventions. This policy brief focuses on ecosystem restoration in the...
2022 is the international year of sustainable mountain development. The recent policy brief on Mountain and heritage-making was prepared with the support of the Geneva School of Social Sciences and...
Women play a key role in environmental protection and social and economic development in mountain areas. They are often the primary managers of mountain resources, guardians of biodiversity and keepers...
Observations play a key role in tracking mountain global change and its impacts, understanding the various processes and feedback mechanisms involved, and delivering more reliable projections of the future to...
Women move mountains is the theme of this year's International Mountain Day on 11 December 2022. Women play a key role in environmental protection and social and economic development in...
Resolution (A/RES/77/172) approved by the United Nations General Assembly on sustainable mountain development at seventy-seventh session.
Traditional mountain landscapes governed by Indigenous Peoples and local communities (IPLCs) conserve unique wildlife and agrobiodiversity, and strongly support climate change adaptation and mitigation by protecting ecosystem services, including grasslands...
Changes in the mountain cryosphere impact on water security of downstream societies and resilience of water-dependent ecosystems and their services. However, assessing mountain water security still requires better understanding of the complex interaction...
The members of the Mountain Partnership, during our Sixth Global Meeting taking place at the Aspen Institute in Aspen, Colorado, USA on 27-29 September 2022, have agreed to this Declaration...
Taking into consideration the declaration of 2022 as the International Year of Sustainable Mountain Development and following the High-Level Meeting on Sustainable Mountain Development held in New York City on...
Mountain areas host both sprawling cities and rural settlements, providing a home for about 15 per cent of the global population. Linked to global supply chains and as a consequence...
Report of the Secretary-General on Sustainable Mountain Development Download here
On 16 December 2021, the United Nations (UN) General Assembly proclaimed 2022 as the International Year of Sustainable Mountain Development (IYM2022) at the proposal of the Kyrgyz Government. The UN General...
The Mountain Partnership, hosted by FAO, is a UN alliance focused on mountain peoples and environments. Its 2021 Annual Report highlights key achievements in advocacy, communication, capacity development, and joint action. It emphasizes climate change, ecosystem restoration, youth empowerment, sustainable tourism, and promoting mountain products, while showcasing global member activities and collaborations under the Mountain Agenda framework.