FAO Regional Office for Near East and North Africa



This video is highlighting the success story of two women facilitators of Farmer Field School at a village in Minya Governorate, Soha and Fatma, under the Japanese project to enhance water productivity in agriculture.


More than 10 000 farmers in southern Hama, Syrian Arab Republic, will expect a sustainable flow of water to their lands after FAO has completed rehabilitation works on eighty-eight kilometers of irrigation networks and seventy kilometers of drainage networks.


As part of the project to enhance water unit productivity in agriculture in Upper Egypt and the Nile Delta, launched by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and funded by the government of Japan.


On World Water Day, the FAO Acting Representative in the Syrian Arab Republic stresses on the importance to restore water for irrigation as a key element for agriculture and food production.


It is a new career journey for Ahmad Al Nasser as a facilitator at one of FAO’s farmer field schools (FFS) in Ghor Elasi, Hama. Having special physical needs since his childhood because of polio has failed to make him unstoppable and he managed to become an experienced veterinarian, further enhancing his self-esteem.


An overview of FAO's performance in Egypt over the past four years and future aspirations for further achievements in the agriculture and food security sector.


Funded by Canada, through the PSDP, FAO enhanced the production skills of 420 farmers from North Lebanon. The farmers attended awareness sessions, received technical training, and benefitted from the provision of inputs on environmentally sustainable and Good Agricultural Practices (GAP).


As farmers face unfamiliar weather conditions and reduction of rainfall rates, which eventually cause change of soil features and effect its fertility, which may impact the quality and quantity of crop’s production.


Innovation is unlocking the forests’ long-kept secrets and allowing us to use trees in ways we never imagined possible. Materials derived from forests and trees are being developed as sustainable substitutes for plastics, building materials, fabrics, medicines and many other everyday items.


The video focuses on the issues of sustainable use of natural resources, water harvesting and poverty alleviation in Ma’an Governorate and it is in line with the following: Millennium Development Goals (MDGs): eradicate extreme poverty and hunger, ensure environmental sustainability.


The veterinary service in the Syrian Arab Republic is widely considered a male-dominated profession, which is also preferred by the livestock keepers themselves as they hold deep gendered beliefs about males’ capabilities and experience. This puts female technicians, like Faten Jeghali, under a pressing challenge to double their effort to prove their capabilities and succeed.


FAO supported the establishment of five Farm Business Schools (FBS), in the governorates of Aleppo, Daraa, Deir Ez-Zor, Hama and Homs, reaching 75 farmers with participatory and learning-by-doing approaches.


FAO in the Syrian Arab Republic responds to the farmers pressing need for a sustainable income and livelihood, by changing their mindsets from production-focused farming to profitable projects, through the establishment of five Farmers Business Schools, in the governorates of Aleppo, Daraa, Deir Ez-Zor, Hama and Homs, to enhance the fundamental business skills for farmers, basically analysis,


The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), in collaboration with International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), held a regional meeting to discuss, validate and reach consensus on the roadmap for the establishment of the Arab Forum for Rural Advisory Services (AFRAS) in 2024.


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A group of outstanding women have established a small dairy production unit to sell quality ghee, cheese and butter across Deir Ez-Zor, and broader. This is a result of practical learning sessions at FAO’s Farmers Field School (FFS), under the Small Holder Support Programme – funded by the European Union,


This video presents scientific and practical information to teach poultry breeders and small and medium poultry farms how to convert daily dead chickens into compost that could be used at fertilizing crops.


Hunger and malnutrition have reached critical levels in the Arab region as access to basic foods has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine, says a UN report.


A video interview with Valentina Franchi, Gender Specialist at FAO Regional Office for the Near East and North Africa. The interview took place in Al Minya (Al-Minyā) Governorate in Upper Egypt during a filed visit of the Farmer Field School (FFS) Future Forum that was held in May 2023. The interview is focusing on the role of FFS in women’s empowerment in the rural communities.