Bureau régional de la FAO pour le Proche-Orient et l'Afrique du Nord


A Strategy that Promotes Good Governance, Professionalism and Commitment
Targeted awareness will help reduce food waste during festive seasons

Aleppo – 2 May 2019 --  The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Russian Federation, in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform and the Ministry of Water Resources, have announced the launch of a two years p...


Tunisia, 19 April, 2019

His Excellency Mr. Sabri Bachtobji, Secretary of State to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Tunisia, received Mr. Philippe Ankers who presented him his credentials as Representative of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in Tunisia.

On this occa...

An analytical tool and a strategic framework to maintain the excellence of the current system
Water scarcity can exacerbate food insecurity, migration and malnutrition in the region

Cairo, 2 April 2019 - Feeding a growing global population amid a changing climate calls for more and better investment in water for agriculture.

During today’s session at FAO’s Land and Water Days in Cairo, Egypt, the FAO Investment Centre unveiled its new Guidel...

Pilot sites identified in Jendouba and Kairouan for water accounting and productivity
Conflict and crisis in the Middle East and North Africa has led to an increase in child labour across the region, including in children’s involvement in armed conflict and other illicit activities, a new report finds.
Project to boost livestock production and access to nutritious food
FAO: Women, a key player in the fight against waste

Tunis, 28 February, 2019 - Sixty teachers from grade schools and high schools in Tunis participated in the validation of the Tunisian version of the first guide on good practices for reducing food waste, prepared by the Regional Office for Near East and North Africa of th...

FAO completes training cycle on reducing milk losses
FAO: A Necessity for Job Creation and Food Security

Tunis, 18 January, 2019: A workshop was held today to validate the national strategy of veterinary services in Tunisia. The strategy is the culmination of a process based on rigorous analysis and a diagnosis of the current state of the sector. Its design, initiated by the Gene...

Awareness at the Heart of the Fight against Food Waste

3 December 2018, Tunis- As part of the project to reduce food loss and waste in Tunisia, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is implementing a training program in cooperation with the Central Cooperative for Wheat (COCEBLE), funded by the Italian Agency for Internation...

Contacts presse

Bureau régional pour le Proche-Orient et l'Afrique du Nord

Mohammed Alaidarous

Chargé de communication régional - Moyen-Orient et Afrique du Nord

Tél.:(+20) 2 3331 6000